New pkmn season
Posted by: MissingNo man
Date: 2007-06-04 17:59:11
I watched it!! IT ROCKS!
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Well, it definately isn't as good as the older ones… :'(
Well, it definately isn't as good as the older ones… :'(
The old ones were good?
Yes. Just compare it to them ;).
Well, it definately isn't as good as the older ones… :'(
The old ones were good?
Probably meant "less bad".
Rumored that Shaymin's in it too…
The next movie after the 10th has to do with Regigigas, although no further information is known.
oh…nice! But what channel?
Pokemon season 1 was DA BEST MAN! but this season is kinda cool too. I think that the next movie will be awesome! Dialga vs Palkia ooooo :o. anyways the new DP episodes will be Saturdays at 8:00 and 8:30 central. on weekdays they will play a DP rerun at 5:30 and A SEASON 1 EPISODE AT 5:00 (central for both)!!!!!!!! YAY