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Pokémon Discussion

Whats your coolest looking pok?mon move on the game - Page 1

Whats your coolest looking pok?mon move on the game

Posted by: pokeking_7_7
Date: 2007-06-17 10:39:14
Mines Shadow Ball!  :) ;) :D ;D :o ::) :P

Re: Whats your coolest looking pok?mon move on the game

Posted by: Missing? NO!
Date: 2007-06-17 11:18:03
Thunder is pretty cool too.

Re: Whats your coolest looking pok?mon move on the game

Posted by: hoggins
Date: 2007-06-17 12:37:53
Which game? If it's any then I'd say Gold/Silver/Crystal's Aeroblast.

Re: Whats your coolest looking pok?mon move on the game

Posted by: Bluelatios
Date: 2007-06-17 14:20:29
maybe solarbeam on Diamond and Pearl. its so freak'n awesome! I also like my Drifblim's shadow ball!

Re: Whats your coolest looking pok?mon move on the game

Posted by: Wicked Klown
Date: 2007-06-17 15:08:28
Sacred Fire and Aeroblast on PK stadium 2.

Re: Whats your coolest looking pok?mon move on the game

Posted by: Don Watermeleon
Date: 2007-06-18 06:56:02
Wow, mine has already been taken. Twice, for I was going to suggest Aeroblast. Meh.

Re: Whats your coolest looking pok?mon move on the game

Posted by: pokeking_7_7
Date: 2007-06-20 09:36:32
Just so you know its on any game. ??? :'(

Re: Whats your coolest looking pok?mon move on the game

Posted by: flygonlover
Date: 2007-06-21 19:53:59
I'd say Shock Wave in D/P. It look pretty freakin' darn cool.

Re: Whats your coolest looking pok?mon move on the game

Posted by: d3ad connection
Date: 2007-06-21 19:57:15
3TrainerPoke's Super Glitch move on Yellow. At first it does an flash, then the screen shakes and the cut animation is played. Afterwards the game screws up.  :-\

Re: Whats your coolest looking pok?mon move on the game

Posted by: n_rox653
Date: 2007-06-24 14:29:30
Roar of Time on Pokemon D/P. Though the animation is simple, it has a cool look to it.

Re: Whats your coolest looking pok?mon move on the game

Posted by: Guy
Date: 2007-08-27 12:22:44
Spacial Rend in DP, and Aeroblast and Sacred Fire in RSEFRLG.

Re: Whats your coolest looking pok?mon move on the game

Posted by: fivex
Date: 2007-12-27 14:47:22
Judgement in Pokemon Battle revolution.

Re: Whats your coolest looking pok?mon move on the game

Posted by: RPBnimrod
Date: 2007-12-27 16:09:21
I like my metgross's meteor mash on Diamond.

Re: Whats your coolest looking pok?mon move on the game

Posted by: Sorreah
Date: 2007-12-27 22:11:12
I liked Flamethrower in the third gen games

Re: Whats your coolest looking pok?mon move on the game

Posted by: LedZeplin2
Date: 2007-12-27 22:25:18
Fire Blast, as shown in Pokemon Stadium 1 and 2 (although 1 makes all moves look cooler).