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Pokémon Discussion

New Pok?mon Announced - Page 1

New Pok?mon Announced

Posted by: ACE91
Date: 2006-03-09 06:35:09
This news may be a little late, but if you've been checking Serebii at all lately, you've probably heard about the new Pok?mon, Manafi, Perappu, Buizeru, and Tamanta; which you can see at this page. What do you think of these new Pok?mon? Do you think the D/P Pok?mon are a step in the right direction by Nintendo/Gamefreak? Are any of these new Pok?mon cooler than the uberness that is Manyula? (Probably not. :P) Discuss!

Re: New Pok?mon Announced

Posted by: Chaos
Date: 2006-03-09 18:23:55
Yep! Tamanta is the pre-evolution of Mantine, too!

Re: New Pok?mon Announced

Posted by: hypershadow12
Date: 2006-03-09 18:32:53
You know, Perappu sort of looks like Ho-oh pre evolved.

Re: New Pok?mon Announced

Posted by: Chaos
Date: 2006-03-24 18:06:28
Y'know, your're right! Maybe it's the pre-evolution of all of the legendary birds! (Doubt it though)

Re: New Pok?mon Announced

Posted by: Izwzyzx
Date: 2006-03-24 18:58:51
So far I've seen nothing of the 4th gen that I like, and seen a whole lot I hate. >_<

Unless they pull out some kind of uber Rayquaza or Groudon-like Super Awesome looking Pokemon, I'll be very dissapointed.

Re: New Pok?mon Announced

Posted by: xparasite9
Date: 2006-03-25 22:29:59
Manyula kinda looks like Jimi Hendrix.

Re: New Pok?mon Announced

Posted by: hypershadow12
Date: 2006-06-11 13:28:44
list of new pokemon and their evolutions or pre evolutions

manyula evolved form of sneasel

        perappu  i think that perappu is the pre form of the legendary birds and it will evolve differently on a different criteria    i also mean ho oh and lugia

  bonsley pre form of sudowoodo

  tamanta pre form of mantine

  manine pre form of mr. mime

lucario legendary pokemon 
                      Ill post more when I know more or you can Pm me or email me at :P                                                 

Re: New Pok?mon Announced

Posted by: pokemon_yellow
Date: 2006-06-11 13:38:58
Its really annoying now that they are making more pre-evoltions

Re: New Pok?mon Announced

Posted by: GoldenChaos
Date: 2006-06-11 14:21:21
Hmmm…You know, I was thinking and realized that the Pokemon developers kinda lost creativness when the 3rd generation rolled around.  Look at Aron's evolution chain.  Looks a lot like Rydon's to me (minus the first evolution).  Really, someone was drunk when they came up with Luvdisc.  Ugh.  I must now go wash out my eyes with bleach after thinking about Luvdisc

Re: New Pok?mon Announced

Posted by: ikwaylx
Date: 2006-06-17 19:13:14
Heh. More info. Lookin' good. Night and day making a comeback.
But what kind of a name for something is a poketch?
I hope thats the Japanese name there. For some reason. I just don't like it.

And they need to stop making so many pre-volutions. WE WANT BRRRRAAAANNNDDDD NEW ONNESS. Not pre-evolved ones!

I think it'll look good. But Nintendo are running out of nature to use for pokemon now.
This could be the last one…….In my eyes.
Although if they do make a 5th gen.
Jade and platinium!

I like the 3Dish look. But now it won't look the same either.
Bah. I don't know whether I'm for it. Or against it.

Re: New Pok?mon Announced

Posted by: xparasite9
Date: 2006-06-24 21:56:57
Mime Jr.? Jeez… how… original.
Weavile? WTF were they thinking for that to be the name of the pre-evo of sneasel?

Re: New Pok?mon Announced

Posted by: Izwzyzx
Date: 2006-06-25 16:08:09
Mime Jr, Weavile, Wii…

what the hell is wrong with Nintendo these days?

Re: New Pok?mon Announced

Posted by: Chaos
Date: 2006-06-25 22:57:22

Mime Jr.? Jeez… how… original.
Weavile? WTF were they thinking for that to be the name of the pre-evo of sneasel?
Actually, it's the evo.