Anyone ever heard of this program?
Posted by: Guy
Date: 2007-11-14 18:19:26
Glitch City Laboratories closed on 1 September 2020 (announcement). This is an archived copy of a thread from Glitch City Laboratories Forums.
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You may also download the archive of this forum in .tar.gz, .sql.gz, or .sqlite.gz formats. You can download it at that URL. It is MKPP, Metalkid's PkMn Planner/Program. It has a lot of basic data like trainers for EV training, Berry locations, calculators for IVs and EXP and stuff like that, a PkMn planner where you can store movesets in memory, and it comes with an AR PkMnMaker for no apparent reason. It's pretty cool, just that for me version 3 broke for me once. Try it out! ;D
Seriously, you've never heard of one? Meh, it's only if I want beta stuff really, as I say nobody in their right mind should use cheating devices for cheating. The actual program can help you get that kinda stoff without cheating though ;).
What is the point in it?
Seriously, you've never heard of one? Meh, it's only if I want beta stuff really, as I say nobody in their right mind should use cheating devices for cheating. The actual program can help you get that kinda stoff without cheating though ;).
I use cheating devices for cheating.
Oh, I don't know. Maybe cheating perhaps?
I meant nobody uses them to help them on their games in their right minds. THE reason for using them is glitches.
What is the point in it?
Seriously, you've never heard of one? Meh, it's only if I want beta stuff really, as I say nobody in their right mind should use cheating devices for cheating. The actual program can help you get that kinda stoff without cheating though ;).
I use cheating devices for cheating.