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Pokémon Discussion

Baby Kanghaskan - Page 1

Baby Kanghaskan

Posted by: shaggs
Date: 2010-07-09 05:11:03
I wonder whats taking them so long, hes real and all cause hes in the pouch and yeah. I guess Game Geeks are just too lazy to make him official.

Re: Baby Kanghaskan

Posted by: glitchuntress
Date: 2010-07-09 08:04:49
I don't think you grasp the concept of Kangaskhan "The Maternial Pokemon".

Re: Baby Kanghaskan

Posted by: Kyoukipichi
Date: 2010-07-09 10:09:53
Cubone = Baby Kanghaskan with a skull.

Re: Baby Kanghaskan

Posted by: SCared_Fir3
Date: 2010-07-10 12:51:53

Cubone = Baby Kanghaskan with a skull.

Then what is Marowak equal to? o-O

Re: Baby Kanghaskan

Posted by: Axaj
Date: 2010-07-10 13:38:53

Cubone = Baby Kanghaskan with a skull.

Then what is Marowak equal to? o-O

The father?

Re: Baby Kanghaskan

Posted by: shaggs
Date: 2010-07-10 19:04:37
Fuck no! Baby khangaskan is not a cubone, different eyes, differen design, and different evolution.

Re: Baby Kanghaskan

Posted by: Wa
Date: 2010-07-11 14:39:44
If Marowak is the (rather small) father, then what about the ghost mother Marowak? Besides, Cubone and the baby Kangaskhan have different features, like the eye.