Goodbye, Platinum
Posted by: Guy
Date: 2010-09-21 11:23:33
- ~150 Pokémon, including the first 120, in the PC
- Battle Frontier records (including 100 Tower wins three hard-earned Gold Prints)
- my (non-IV'd, but only used) Ubers team
- my connectivity to PBR
- ~636 hours of play time by my friend and I
- 440+ Pokédex that would have been long complete if not for the Box idea
- a $10 DSi XL stylus, which was in the case, and that I had just bought
Here's what I got to keep:
- all my shinies (I happened to transfer them all to SS before it was lost) including my new all-around Frontier team
- Pearl, which had my 493 Pokédex (minus a bunch I traded to Platinum,) which happened to fall out and remain on my bedside table when the case was lost
- SoulSilver, my new declared "main game," which was in my DS in my pocket at the time
- the DS itself (thank god)
- my headphones
Here's the story:
I walk from school to the train, DS in pocket with headphones plugged in and SoulSilver in the game card slot. I get on, and, after a few stops, find a seat. I get off at my transfer stop, not checking my backpack, and wait for the next train. I get on that train, and find a seat easily. I soon get off at the station from which I'll go home, and sit down, taking off my backpack. The front pocket is open, and my DS case is not there. Fuck. I look through the front pocket, and then through the main compartment, taking everything out, finding the case nowhere. I close up my backpack and instantly retrace my steps to where I got off the last train, having ample time before the train to home leaves. I walk all over the large station, mainly covering my path. I then head all the way back to where I got off, checking everywhere. It's nowhere on the ground. Realizing that it must have fallen out or been stolen on the train, I head back. I do this a few times, eventually doing it just to relieve stress.
I got a series of (unrelated) depression episodes and ill-feeling days after that, continuing until now, actually being home sick. Today, feeling like I have a lot of time and feeling better after medicine, I call the Lost and Found department. I go through a series of calls until I finally reach the Green Line (single battles on the Subway) Lost and Found. I ask if they have found a blue and black Nintendo DS case, and they say that it has not been turned in yet.
Goodbye, Platinum.
Carelessly lost DS case on the train. Lost and Found doesn't have it.
A possible discrepancy:
I'm not sure when I actually got my DS and headphones out. It could have been:
At the Student Union of the University my school's next to
At the first stop I went to (out on the street–hopeless if it was there)
DSi XL stylus - $10
DS case - $12
Pokémon Platinum - $35
Tombstoner's Platinum progress - 636 hours
Good backpack zipper habits - Priceless