Hidden signposts in Pokémon Crystal
Posted by: Stilgar
Date: 2014-04-14 19:23:55
"There's a graffiti on the wall… A1 added a mustache!" "What is this? House for Sale…Nobody lives here" and "It's a photo of people fishing…They're having a great time…".
Having played Crystal many times I am familiar with almost all lines of text (I like talking to all the NPCs everytime in every game I play) but I swore I have never seen these dialogues before, so I started up my game and started searching for them. In the text dump they are respectively near the dialogues of the Celadon Mansion, Cerulean City and Vermilion City, so I went there to read all the signposts in there, with no success. So I opened a map editor to look for "suspicious" signpost tiles in these towns and the routes nearby, again with no success, but upon looking carefully again I noticed some odd things, there were some tiles that had both warp and signpost data, plus a Town Map on a wall with a signpost data. Went looking there and…success!
[img]http://i.imgur.com/Cxzbfp3.png?1?2407[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/NnfJgL3.png?1?6718[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/R100JOS.png?1?7754[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/CWSqjJ5.png?1?9447[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/cxH0if9.png?1?9163[/img]
The places are respectively: the last floor of the Celadon Mansion, the former Day Care in Route 5 and the Fishing Guru's House. I wonder why the developers placed these signs in such weird places, especially the one at the Mansion is VERY hidden and nobody would go there clicking on a random wall, a random Town Map or in front of a door that isn't locked.
Did you know about these? Maybe I am the only one but I find these kinds of "easter eggs" very interesting and fascinating. I checked in HeartGold and they don't appear at all (the only similar thing is an open book with a picture in the Guru's house).