Favorite original type
Posted by: PokeGlitchFanatic
Date: 2014-05-10 19:58:27
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Psychic (Espeon from Colosseum). Best Gen 3 starter ever.
On the topic of starter Pokemon on the Gamecube games, what about the Eevee that you get at the beginning of XD? That was the best starter from any game in my opinion, considering you could change it to one of its five forms so quickly.
On the topic of starter Pokemon on the Gamecube games, what about the Eevee that you get at the beginning of XD? That was the best starter from any game in my opinion, considering you could change it to one of its five forms so quickly.
Yeah, didn't you actually get whichever stone you wanted soon into the storyline?
??? type.
??? type.
??? was never and will never be a starter type. u wot m8?