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Pokémon Discussion

Gizooglemon - Page 1


Posted by: Bert
Date: 2014-06-12 19:48:27
Step 1: Go to Gizoogle.

Step 2: Go to Bulbapedia, pull up a Pokémon/Character/Whatever.

Step 3: Copy the Bulbapedia article's URL into Gizoogle's translator.

Step 4: Post hilarious shit.

Meganium's 'dex entries for D/P, B/W/B2/W2/ gave me this:

Its breath has tha dunkadelic mobilitizzle ta revive dead plants n' flowers.



Can 'dunkadelic' be GCLF's word of the day?

Re: Gizooglemon

Posted by: pokechu22
Date: 2014-06-12 20:02:24

This be a newly discovered Pokémon. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch. Well shiiiit, it is currently under investigation. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch. No detailed shiznit be available at dis time.

Ok, this is amazing. 

Re: Gizooglemon

Posted by: Bert
Date: 2014-06-12 21:01:19
Tyrantrum be a large, dinosaurian Pokémon, closely resemblin theropodz like Tyrannosaurus. Well shiiiit, it is predominantly brick-red up in coloration, wit scaly patterns on its skin n' scattered orange highlights on a shitload of tha scalez n' ridges. Da underbelly is gray wit white borders, n' it has a long-ass tail wit two orange spikes near tha tip. Its lil' small-ass forelimbs have only two black clawed digits yo, but it has bangin hind hairy-ass legs wit three sharp, black talons. Plated, armor-like ridges is found on tha front of tha hairy-ass legs n' down tha back n' tail. Right back up in yo muthafuckin ass. Spiky, white "fluff", similar ta tha primitizzle feathers on nuff dinosaurs, extendz tha fuck into a cold-ass lil cape-like fringe round tha neck fo' realz. Additionizzle featherin forms a prominent beard on tha lower jaw, which is otherwise gray up in coloration. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch. Its head is proportionally large, wit a ridged snout n' bangin jaws. Da lower jaw is lined wit pointed teeth, n' tha upper jaw features a fuckin shitload of tooth-like projections which is also highlighted orange. Its eyes step tha fuck up ta have black sclera wit white irises fo' realz. An orange, five-pointed crest extendz from tha snout above tha eyes n' point backwards, givin it tha appearizzle of bustin a cold-ass lil crown.

Before its extinction, wild Tyrantrum used ta live 100 mazillion muthafuckin years ago, when its bangin jaw conferred its status as a unmatched predator. Shiiit, dis aint no joke. Right back up in yo muthafuckin ass. Since dat shiznit was considered invincible up in tha ancient ghetto, it behaved like a mackdaddy.

Tyrantrum: Muthafuckin' Mackdaddy.

Re: Gizooglemon

Posted by: Zowayix
Date: 2014-06-13 02:23:10

Step 1: Go ta Gizoogle.

Step 2: Go ta Bulbapedia, pull up a Pokémon/Character/Whatever.

Step 3: Copy tha Bulbapedia article's URL tha fuck into Gizoogle's translator.

Step 4: Post hilarious s**t.

Re: Gizooglemon

Posted by: Ketsuban
Date: 2014-06-13 02:53:27
Gardevoir be a white bipedal Pokémon wit a lower body resemblin a slim gown wit a chronic underside. Well shiiiit, it has long, slender, white hairy-ass legs underneath tha gown, n' chronic afro dat curls down tha sidez of its head. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka! There is spikes on tha side of its face, resemblin a masquerade mask. Well shiiiit, it has chronic arms n' long, slender fingers dat resemble gloves fo' realz. A red fin-like horn extendz from its chest, n' a shorter, mo' rounded horn extendz from tha back fo' realz. A crew of chronic on its chest extendz ta tha centermost horn n' connects ta its sleeve-like arms.

As Mega Gardevoir, it turns almost straight-up white; only its afro remains green. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch. Its gown becomes longer n' wider, resemblin a funky-ass bridal gown. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch. Da forearms is slightly thicker wit a pointed extension above tha elbow. Its facial spikes is larger n' now curl upwards. In contrast, its afro is now shorter n' mo' tightly curled. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka! There is now two horns up in tha center of its chest, extendin ta either side. These horns is holla'd ta be a physical manifestation of dis Pokémonz ass, n' it be able ta use tremendous psycho juice now dat it is open [1].

Gardevoir can sense when its Trainer is up in danger, n' will use its psycho juice ta distort dimensions n' create a lil' small-ass black hole ta protect its Trainer n' shit. Well shiiiit, it will even give up its game ta protect its Trainer n' shit. Well shiiiit, it can use its powers ta peep tha future. Right back up in yo muthafuckin ass. Since it supports itself wit its psycho powers, it do not feel tha pull of gravity. Well shiiiit, it is known ta bust moves up in urban areas.

-1 point for not changing "urban areas" to "da hood".

Where's my psycho juice, damn it? :P

Re: Gizooglemon

Posted by: Abwayax
Date: 2014-06-13 19:39:20
Glitch Citizzle Laboratories

Quit playin' n' do what tha fuck I be sayin'! Please login or register

Shit: Report any bugs you find on tha FORUMS up in this topic.

Yo, wuz crackalackin', biatch? Yo ass is smokin tha Glitch Citizzle Laboratories wiki! We is a Pokémon fansite all bout tha various glitches n' quirkz of tha game series. Put ya muthafuckin choppers up if ya feel dis! We currently have 273 pages yo, but we constantly hustlin on more.

Want ta help, biatch? Peep up our manual of style, learn what is expected of articlez at GCL, n' read bout our article validation fo' realz. Also consult tha MediaWiki help documents fo' shiznit on how tha fuck ta edit wikis up in general.

Bulbapedia article on Glitch Citizzle Laboratories:

Glitch Citizzle Laboratories be a Pokémon fansite pimped by Abwayax up in 2005, though it is tha sickest fuckin up in a seriez of cribs dat span back ta 2003. Da joint focuses primarily on glitches, especially dem up in tha Pokémon series. Put ya muthafuckin choppers up if ya feel dis! Well shiiiit, it is named afta Glitch City.

On December 10, 2010, tha joint was taken down fo' maintenance. Users was offered a temporary forum until tha joint was back online. Put ya muthafuckin choppers up if ya feelin dis shiznit! On August 8, 2011, private beta testin of tha joint was busted out; playas could request access accounts on tha temporary forum. Da joint was reopened ta tha hood on October 24, 2011; however, some pages still redirect ta tha maintenizzle notice.

Re: Gizooglemon

Posted by: Bert
Date: 2014-06-13 21:05:28
My profizzle:

Custom Title: Professionizzle Mouthbreather.
Personal Text: Contributin not a god damn thang since 2012.
Age: 21
Location: Between a rock n' a glitched place.
Favorite Glitch: Da Mew Glitch (Level 7 Gyarados is phat).
Date Registered: July 26, 2012, 09:04:29 PM
Local Time: June 13, 2014, 10:02:15 PM
Last Active: Today at 08:01:46 PM

Peep up mah MS Paint Adventure, MEGANIUM ADVENTURES! [Completed 5/30/2014]

And also check up Da Rap of Glitchy, tha 4. .

-Some muthafucka up in Violet City, Pokémon Vietnamese Crystal