Addendum to the Generation I hidden name easter eggs
Posted by: Torchickens
Date: 2014-08-16 08:27:17
If you want to do your own research, try copying the bytes into your name after the end name character after a new game has loaded, and maybe refer to these lists.
Note that D123 reads your party Pokémon count, not a character. Likewise, D2D4 reads the text speed.
There are hidden characters past the end (50) terminator. They don't seem to be random, but I didn't 'get' one:
Player - まぐち, Yamaguchi is followed by an invisible (small 'i').
Rival - は, Ishihara is followed by an invisible ('a' with a dakuten).
Blue (Japanese):
Player - , Gfuri is followed by an invisible (ku).
Rival - , Kuricha is followed by an invisible 4.
Pikachu (Japanese)
Player - 1, Gfuri1 isn't followed by any invisible character.
Rival - , Kuricha is followed by an invisible ''.
My guess is that the small '' and '' were used for style. Here, the pronunciation of and is the same as the sound that comes before it, so it's like 'Yamaguchi~i' or 'Ishihara~a' (without the dakuten in , but is not standard).
I don't know why Kuricha is followed by '4'. Maybe it's meant to be pronounced '', so it would kind of sound like Creatures if you say it fast (kurichashi)? I'm not sure. I would have thought '' (su) would be better.
The '' after '' lengthens the abbreviation a little, to more like Gfreak.
Pre-set names are followed by invisible characters too, but I haven't documented them, except for the English versions of Red/Blue, where the names are like e.g. RED(50)ASH(50)JAC. I did notice that in Green the name of rival Red was followed by '', which may have been intended to be 'Sato' from 'Satoshi', but the game might have just taken it from the next pre-set name.