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Pokémon Discussion

The mystery of the unused Badge items solved? - Page 1

The mystery of the unused Badge items solved?

Posted by: Charmy
Date: 2016-08-30 14:32:50
Hello again, most of you probably know about the unused Badge items like BOULDERBADGE or CASCADEBADGE.
I think i finally solved the mystery of why they exist.
In the Badge Check Gates, The people here say something like "You can't pass unless you have the (badge name)." and "Oh! That's the (badge name)!"
Basically, there is a control character where "(badge name)" is, and it changes it to display the badge's name. So if you just restarted the game and loaded the save, there will be nothing is this place, i once managed to get it to show "PALLET TOWN" so it was like "You can't pass unless you have the PALLET TOWN.". Lol.
Or there might be something like "You can't pass unless you have the TENTACOOL." or "You can't pass unless you have the RED.".
I think that Gym Leader's defeat\post-battle text also uses these to save ROM space.
Please note that this is still unconfirmed. but it think it's correct.
And if this is the wrong section, then please move.

Re: The mystery of the unused Badge items solved?

Posted by: Yeniaul
Date: 2016-08-30 17:26:42
You know the man in Cerulean who tells you all about the badges? The menu used there is basically an elevator menu. The entries there ARE ITEMS, but they just can't be selected. The devs got lazy and just used then-unused item indexes and renamed them. This is why elevator floors are items. (8F is an example… does this really need explaining?) However, they're never supposed to be in the BAG/PC so they have glitch effects, as normal gameplay only needed the NAMES to be correct. There was no point to giving them use, so ACE or straight-up RST 38 occurs, as the game doesn't know where their code IS, as it has none.
To better understand this, use an inventory-mod GS code and talk to the Badge Guy in Cerulean or go into an elevator and select the modified menu option (as it's technically loaded in place of the RAM copy of the PACK, so it's modified.)

Re: The mystery of the unused Badge items solved?

Posted by: Charmy
Date: 2016-09-01 08:36:50
Yes, I knew about that, but what I said is also correct.

Re: The mystery of the unused Badge items solved?

Posted by: Bent`
Date: 2016-09-06 22:30:47

In the Badge Check Gates, The people here say something like "You can't pass unless you have the (badge name)." and "Oh! That's the (badge name)!"
Basically, there is a control character where "(badge name)" is, and it changes it to display the badge's name. So if you just restarted the game and loaded the save, there will be nothing is this place, i once managed to get it to show "PALLET TOWN" so it was like "You can't pass unless you have the PALLET TOWN.". Lol.

Its true that badge names are loaded dynamically. But they come from this list of strings, not from the items.

I think that Gym Leader's defeat\post-battle text also uses these to save ROM space.

Nope, those use the names directly.

Re: The mystery of the unused Badge items solved?

Posted by: ISSOtm
Date: 2016-09-07 01:13:41
Yay for non-consistencies !