"Unidentified poster showing early names for Generation I Pokémon"
Posted by: Mefista
Date: 2017-08-29 15:12:33
I have a few questions pertaining to it, hope someone can answer.
1) Who did this photo? Did they provide any background info?
2) Why are some artworks on it slightly diffirent from any Gen1 arts I've ever seen? I was trying to make a version without yellow text (to print out and hang on my wall*), and turns out that pictures availible separately (like Omanyte) aren't an exact match.
3) What kind of font it uses? It looks similar to "Andy Bold" ("Gotta catch'em all" font), but doesn't match, few details are diffirent and it's more vertically stretched.
* I just kept changing things in it (swapped Butterfree and Venomoth, replaced Mewtwo with Mew and few artworks with fanmade ones…you can see latest result here), so it occured to me that, as it's no longer authentic, I'd rather make my own version, close in style but diffirent.Hence me asking about font and art.