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Pokémon Discussion

Pokemon Let's Go! Pikachu and Let's Go! Eevee (POSSIBLE SPOILERS?) - Page 1

Pokemon Let's Go! Pikachu and Let's Go! Eevee (POSSIBLE SPOILERS?)

Posted by: Missing? NO!
Date: 2018-05-20 04:13:10
Over the past week-and-a-half, the Pokemon Company and Game Freak have been undergoing processes that hint at what the next Pokemon game will be. Over the past week, Nintendo has trademarked naes for both "Pokemon Let's Go! Pikachu" and "Pokemon Let's Go! Eevee", registered domain names for each game, and updated their own website with a Pikachu and Eevee-based template. Logos have also been found for each game, featuring an Eevee and a Pikachu tail, respectively.

This, in addition to a number of cryptic tweets featuring Pikachu and Eevee from Masuda, seem to indicate that the next main-line Pokemon game, for the Nintendo Switch, will be known as "Pokemon Let's Go! Pikachu" and "Pokemon Let's Go! Eevee".

An early report from Emily Rogers outlines the new game's features, and they seem to be fairly different than past games.

According to the report, the games will feature…

A screenshot of the new game was also leaked (attached below), though it's unclear how real this screenshot is. It's important to note the presence of visible wild Pokemon in the overworld – perhaps this is the "Pokemon Go-style catching" that the leak mentioned? It's hard to say at this point.

What are your guys' thoughts on this? Personally, I'd be hype to go back to Kanto for a new adventure, though I do have some reservations. I'm not a fan of involving Pokemon Go in a huge way, and if they fail to add any new Pokemon, I'll likely be disappointed. However, a new Pokemon game is something that I'm always going to be excited about, no matter what.


Re: Pokemon Let's Go! Pikachu and Let's Go! Eevee (POSSIBLE SPOILERS?)

Posted by: ISSOtm
Date: 2018-05-20 17:21:00
The game looks like absolute ass – at least from the screenshot. Honestly, the graphics are literally the same as Gen 7… I hope at LEAST that the camera isn't going to be fixed, like the screenshot suggests it is. That would really be a huge disappointment.

As for the rest, I'm doubtful – but I can't say much before some proper gameplay is shown.

Re: Pokemon Let's Go! Pikachu and Let's Go! Eevee (POSSIBLE SPOILERS?)

Posted by: Missing? NO!
Date: 2018-05-20 21:58:07
Yeah, I agree. It's really confusing as to why they elected to use what appears to be the same graphical engine as Gen 7 when they have access to the Switch's graphical hardware, which is capable of much more than the graphics shown.

I'm hopeful that the screenshot is just an early test-build, though, taken before they implemented the new graphical engine. I'd love to see them use a graphical style more in line with Colosseum and XD for this game.

Re: Pokemon Let's Go! Pikachu and Let's Go! Eevee (POSSIBLE SPOILERS?)

Posted by: ISSOtm
Date: 2018-05-21 06:54:10
I don't find this confusing at all - they're just lazily pushing out another game, because no matter what shit they publish, it's gonna be bought and praised.

Re: Pokemon Let's Go! Pikachu and Let's Go! Eevee (POSSIBLE SPOILERS?)

Posted by: Mefista
Date: 2018-05-21 16:06:57
Mobile gaming leaking into normal versions is crap, period.

Re: Pokemon Let's Go! Pikachu and Let's Go! Eevee (POSSIBLE SPOILERS?)

Posted by: Missing? NO!
Date: 2018-05-21 18:10:07

I don't find this confusing at all - they're just lazily pushing out another game, because no matter what s**t they publish, it's gonna be bought and praised.

I disagree – you're right about that it's going to be bought and praised regardless of what they push out, but I'd imagine this is an early test build using the Gen 7 engine rather than the actual graphics that the new game will actually have. I think Nintendo/Game Freak have a higher standard for their games than to just lazily push out another one for money.

Mobile gaming leaking into normal versions is crap, period.

Eh. If it's just an option and I don't have to use it, then I think it's fine. Anything more than that is crap though.

Re: Pokemon Let's Go! Pikachu and Let's Go! Eevee (POSSIBLE SPOILERS?)

Posted by: ISSOtm
Date: 2018-05-22 01:25:11

I think Nintendo/Game Freak have a higher standard for their games than to just lazily push out another one for money.

It's not Nintendo's standard, but Nintendo isn't involved in the game's development - that's Game Freak exclusively, which is known to lazily push out bad games (eg. Gen 6).

Re: Pokemon Let's Go! Pikachu and Let's Go! Eevee (POSSIBLE SPOILERS?)

Posted by: shaggs
Date: 2018-05-29 23:23:23
It's been confirmed! I'm not sure how I feel about the GO integration
and there being no wild battles [inferred from the trailer]. Other than that it looks
great and I'm excited to see what kind of changes they add to Kanto to make it a
fresh new experience. It's also important to note that someone at TPC tweeted
out saying that there is another core game coming in 2019 so there's a possibility
that is the true gen 8 seeing as it's highly possible Let's Go will be strictly the original 151


Re: Pokemon Let's Go! Pikachu and Let's Go! Eevee (POSSIBLE SPOILERS?)

Posted by: Missing? NO!
Date: 2018-05-30 01:43:24
Yeah, not quite sure what to think of this to be honest. I like the idea of going back to Kanto, but having a new story to go with it, but the extensive Pokemon Go integration, along with the lack of wild battles and forced motion-control catch mechanic, kind of make this a mixed bag for me. I'm currently unsure if I'd even go and buy it, and I've never said that about a Pokemon RPG before.

Ultimately I think it's a good thing for the series though – it'll bring new people into the main series by introducing them to a "core" Pokemon RPG, while still keeping familiar elements from Pokemon Go that they will likely be familiar with. Honestly, if this does well enough, I could see them adding Go integration and motion controls to the actual Gen 8 game in 2019, too. I'd just hope that that integration and motion controls wouldn't be a vital part of the game.

Re: Pokemon Let's Go! Pikachu and Let's Go! Eevee (POSSIBLE SPOILERS?)

Posted by: Raven Freak
Date: 2018-05-30 19:58:04
Honestly I'm not even upset about the go integration, that alone is the only thing I like about it. There was no point in making yet another Gen 1 remake, when we got one back in Gen 3. On top of that, the player visits Kanto in both Gen 2 and their remakes making Kanto the most revisited region in the franchise. Enough with the Kanto pandering, this is the first time I've been disappointed with the games… Game freak could have made a completely different region or maybe even made a game based around the orange islands. That would have been much better.

Re: Pokemon Let's Go! Pikachu and Let's Go! Eevee (POSSIBLE SPOILERS?)

Posted by: Missing? NO!
Date: 2018-05-30 20:11:52
I'm fine with going back to Kanto personally. FR/LG came out in 2004, and HG/SS came out in… 2009? I think? The only other region that's been left alone longer is Sinnoh, and I'd doubt they'd want to make an experimental game like this double as the Sinnoh remake.

Re: Pokemon Let's Go! Pikachu and Let's Go! Eevee (POSSIBLE SPOILERS?)

Posted by: shaggs
Date: 2018-05-30 20:15:53
The only thing I dislike about the GO integration is the lack of wild battles. That makes absolutely
no sense at all to me. I have to agree with you guys, I feel like they could'e executed this idea better
in other ways rather than using Kanto again, but what is done is done. Having said that we still don't
have that many details about the game, if they add enough new content to Kanto and have a real solid
"story" gameplay it might just change my mind, but for now I can't seem to forgive the thought of no
wild battles.

Re: Pokemon Let's Go! Pikachu and Let's Go! Eevee (POSSIBLE SPOILERS?)

Posted by: Crystalame
Date: 2018-05-31 08:08:45
I share much of the same opinion as Papa Doc. I think these games look really cute and wonderful and I'm actually fine with the capture mechanics being changed, but no wild battles is really odd. Hopefully that's dropped in gen 8 (I'm sure it will be)

Re: Pokemon Let's Go! Pikachu and Let's Go! Eevee (POSSIBLE SPOILERS?)

Posted by: Guy
Date: 2018-06-12 21:39:18
I haven't read up much on the content of these, but the names themselves are already quite off-putting to me. "Cute" Pokémon simply do not belong as main series game mascots. On the other hand these seem to be in the same "semi-spinoff" boat that Colosseum and XD were in, so I suppose I can give them some leeway for that. GO integration is hopefully just Niantic's last resort at remaining officially associated with this franchise. I will never touch that app, but considering its popularity I can't exactly fault TPCi for using it to help sell the main series; in fact, I'm surprised they waited this long, especially as they've been trying similar things ever since GS.

I'm just thinking in circles at this point, so I'll stop here. Overall, I don't like what we've been shown so far, but since it is a major Pokémon title I do have high hopes for it.

Re: Pokemon Let's Go! Pikachu and Let's Go! Eevee (POSSIBLE SPOILERS?)

Posted by: Missing? NO!
Date: 2018-06-13 23:21:24
I might be in the minority on this site, but I've been getting back into Go recently and I think it's a lot better than what it used to be. Niantic fixed a lot of bugs and made a lot of QoL improvements, and now the game is somewhat fun. Battling is still atrocious but capturing Pokemon is something that I think everyone would enjoy.

Unless they sell your userdata or something, I don't see why the game is so disliked. Definitely not a fan of integrating Go into the main-series games though – that's something I think should remain separate. And, thankfully, from what I've read so far about the 2019 Pokemon RPG, that looks like that'll be true.