Child Boards in Pokemon Glitch Discussion
Posted by: Max
Date: 2016-09-10 11:27:36
I was browsing the Pokémon Glitch Discussion board and noticed there was only one child board (Pokémon Glitch Discussion Stickies). This results in a single, cluttered board index for the whole of GlitchLaboratories' "main content".
I beleive we could make better use of the "child boards" feature.
I would recommend a child board for each generation (maybe grouping I & II). This way, the average member/guest can more easily find discussion relevant to the games they are playing. Maybe another child board for spin-off titles (eg: Stadium/Coliseum).
I would not recommend a child board for each game, since there is much in common for games in the same generation (forum tags like "[RB]" in subject line help distinguish individual games).
I would also recommend thinning out the stickied threads - in my opinion if you need to move stickies to their own board then in you have too many stickies. I imagine board rules & etiquette, FAQ's, and a thread of important threads as an ideal set of stickies.
I realize that there are some threads which may not fit in any of my proposed child boards (eg: covers more than one generation). These threads could stay in the top level board. The same goes for existing threads pending moderator movement to appropriate child boards.