Glitch City Laboratories Archives

Glitch City Laboratories closed on 1 September 2020 (announcement). This is an archived copy of a thread from Glitch City Laboratories Forums.

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Forum Discussion

Child Boards in Pokemon Glitch Discussion - Page 1

Child Boards in Pokemon Glitch Discussion

Posted by: Max
Date: 2016-09-10 11:27:36

I was browsing the Pokémon Glitch Discussion board and noticed there was only one child board (Pokémon Glitch Discussion Stickies). This results in a single, cluttered board index for the whole of GlitchLaboratories' "main content".

I beleive we could make better use of the "child boards" feature.

I would recommend a child board for each generation (maybe grouping I & II). This way, the average member/guest can more easily find discussion relevant to the games they are playing. Maybe another child board for spin-off titles (eg: Stadium/Coliseum).

I would not recommend a child board for each game, since there is much in common for games in the same generation (forum tags like "[RB]" in subject line help distinguish individual games).

I would also recommend thinning out the stickied threads - in my opinion if you need to move stickies to their own board then in you have too many stickies. I imagine board rules & etiquette, FAQ's, and a thread of important threads as an ideal set of stickies.

I realize that there are some threads which may not fit in any of my proposed child boards (eg: covers more than one generation). These threads could stay in the top level board. The same goes for existing threads pending moderator movement to appropriate child boards.

Re: Child Boards in Pokemon Glitch Discussion

Posted by: Charmy
Date: 2016-09-10 12:31:13
For the whole forum, I counted up 15 child boards… 12 of these boards are accessible from the start, 3 other require at least 50 posts, but you are correct, the Glitch Discussion board is very messy, they need to change that, and your idea is pretty good.

Re: Child Boards in Pokemon Glitch Discussion

Posted by: Torchickens
Date: 2016-09-10 13:31:21
Sounds like a great idea Max. I'll work on this right now.

Re: Child Boards in Pokemon Glitch Discussion

Posted by: Charmy
Date: 2016-09-10 13:55:26
Max, your dream came true. Now just the topic moving.

Re: Child Boards in Pokemon Glitch Discussion

Posted by: ISSOtm
Date: 2016-09-10 15:53:43
Watch the threads being ordered nicely.
Watch as Gen 1 is so huge.
Watch as Gen V is so tiny.

Then watch the second principle of thermodynamics slowly but surely working his way into augmenting the Glitch Discussion board's entropy.

It's pure poetry.
Welcome to GCLf (and don't forget to check out the forum games !!!!!11!!!1!11!1!!!!11!1)

Re: Child Boards in Pokemon Glitch Discussion

Posted by: Torchickens
Date: 2016-09-10 16:09:23
This made me laugh out loud hysterically. (*)

Edit: I have moved around half of the generation specific threads to the child boards. Will continue this tomorrow as soon as I can.