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Generation I Glitch Discussion

Wikipedia Crap Alert! - Page 1

Wikipedia Crap Alert!

Posted by: Abwayax
Date: 2006-06-05 14:13:29

Especially check out "Other 'Facts'" (yeah right :P). Some of it is proven true, but…

Also, research has been done by several people playing Red and Blue versions[citation needed]. They have found that overaccessing Glitch City can result in deletion of data and all Pokémon the player has caught[citation needed]. It is recommended that players do not overaccess Glitch City for this reason.

Glitch City is also sometimes called "Sunny Town" by fans[citation needed]. (There is no city named Sunny Town in the games.)

First one - not proven, probably claimed by your average trsrockin member who thinks Missingno. crashes your game (notice the "Citation needed" that appears all over the article, this is on the other Glitch articles too).

Second one - Three years, and never have I seen Glitch City reffered to as "Sunny Town".

What shall we do?

Re: Wikipedia Crap Alert!

Posted by: PokemonPichu
Date: 2006-06-05 14:20:24
I edited it out. The theory doesn't makes sense. How can you be in two places at once? What I think is that when you leave the Safari Zone doing the Glitch City glitch, the timer is still on, so it can still teleport you back to the Safari Zone.

Re: Wikipedia Crap Alert!

Posted by: xparasite9
Date: 2006-06-05 19:48:16
but then again, what if the "two places at once" theory is correct? Maybe this is how the Ditto trick works?

Re: Wikipedia Crap Alert!

Posted by: Abwayax
Date: 2006-06-05 19:59:50

but then again, what if the "two places at once" theory is correct? Maybe this is how the Ditto trick works?

I'm not sure about that, but anyway what I was talking about is:
1. The theory that Glitch City deletes your game. Unproven, but we all know your average trsrockin member thinks all glitches are game-deleting.
2. "Sunny Town" as a name for Glitch City - Only mentioned in Wikipedia and Wikipedia mirrors, the "Pok?-Wiki" (German pokemon wiki), and an old trsrockin post (now deleted, but still in Google's Cache).

Re: Wikipedia Crap Alert!

Posted by: zach the glitch buster
Date: 2006-06-07 12:52:33
this summer im hopeing to go through the pokemon part of Wikipedia. Im planing to edit what is proven to be false. help would be greatly helpfull thank you

Re: Wikipedia Crap Alert!

Posted by: GlitchManic
Date: 2006-06-07 16:18:17
I have been doing that everyonce in a while (editing the articles)

The person that put the "Sunny Town" thing is most likly the only person that says that,
but put it in hope others would call Glitch City a stupid name.

Re: Wikipedia Crap Alert!

Posted by: Robjoe1107
Date: 2006-06-07 19:42:54
The person that put the "Sunny Town" thing is most likly the only person that says that,
but put it in hope others would call Glitch City a stupid name.

Glitch City > Sunny Town

Anyway, the fact that anyone can edit stuff on WikiPedia means that it's GOING to get full of trash. I used to go through the Sonic articles editing out all the parts that tried to call the Comics and other spin-off material canon, but I've since stopped, as there's no reason idiots won't go and just put it back in. The same goes for Pok?mon and other stuff in general. It may suck, but that's the way teh intarwebz work.

Besides that, WikiPedia ain't the law, so there's no real point in getting too worked up anyway.

Re: Wikipedia Crap Alert!

Posted by: pokemon_yellow
Date: 2006-06-16 08:28:59
I was reading that before I joined here and I already knew
1.The old Sunny Town got destroyed by Pokemon so comes back haunting Glitch City…  :o
2.Glitch City only messes up other parts of your game not the save data.

Re: Wikipedia Crap Alert!

Posted by: PokemonPichu
Date: 2006-09-07 00:29:31

"Redirected from Sunny Town."

I don't really do much except read in Wikipedia, so, yeah.