Glitch City Laboratories Archives

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Generation I Glitch Discussion

Duplicant MissingNo. rigging ideas - Page 1

Duplicant MissingNo. rigging ideas

Posted by: Guy
Date: 2007-11-11 08:32:34
After viewing this page: I have thought of how useful the Duplicant MissingNo.s (ghost as an example) could actually be as battling PkMn. You can rig the type, moves, and stats however you like as long as some PkMn can have them (ex. TM moves type combinations and base stats). So here we could post ideas to make the "ultimate PkMn" out of  Duplicant MissingNo.s. Remember to put how it woud get the moves/types/stats. I'm thinking something with purely physical or special with stats to reflect it and give it all of the best physicl moves, or vice versa for special. Or maybe the ultimate defensive!

Re: Duplicant MissingNo. rigging ideas

Posted by: Abwayax
Date: 2007-11-13 23:33:12
This idea is actually used in my fanfic series; a team of bad guys uses customized duplicants as their signature Pokemon. But I digress.

As for me, I did this a few times on my Red, but I'm not sure as to the whereabouts of it now. I recall having a cool one with (I think) Transform and Softboiled, though (Mewic Missingno).

edit: yeah. Done. Transform, Softboiled, Surf, and Fire Blast, to be exact. Kind of a weird moveset; I could have sworn I had a hyper beam in there, but apparently not

Re: Duplicant MissingNo. rigging ideas

Posted by: Zowayix
Date: 2007-11-14 00:05:18
Holy shit, ZowayixForums still exists.