Posted by: pokemon_yellow
Date: 2006-09-12 17:56:43
Full Restore (It wont have any effect)
Pokemon Center (Does not work)
*Yes they do pwn*
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I used a gameshark.When I started to noticed Charizard M' did that I DID starr putting them in different boxes. (Box 5 I think)
Well, I'm assuming you're referring to Charizard 'M's changing your Pok?mon into Charizard 'Ms through the Q glitch. There is no easy way to remedy this, but there is a way. Since all of your Pok?mon's data (stats, level, moves, etc.) remains on the transformed Charizard 'Ms, all you have to do is this: For each Pok?mon that you want to return to normal, capture one of whatever Pok?mon the Pok?mon in question used to be (Ditto Trick + Missingno'd Master Balls works wonders for this) and then use the Q Glitch to turn your transformed Charizard 'M back into that Pok?mon.
Also, to avoid turning your Pok?mon into Charizard 'Ms again, here's what you should do: Move any Charizard 'Ms that you have to the bottom of your party list before depositing any Pok?mon, and NEVER EVER put a Charizard 'M in the same box as other Pok?mon unless you intend to perform the Q glitch. I use a separate box (usually Box 12) for Charizard 'Ms or Qs on all of my Pok?mon games.
BTW, how did you get Charizard 'M? Trading Q from Yellow? If it was some other method, I'd like to know about it.