Glitch City Laboratories Archives

Glitch City Laboratories closed on 1 September 2020 (announcement). This is an archived copy of a thread from Glitch City Laboratories Forums.

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Generation I Glitch Discussion

weirdest glitch ever - Page 1

weirdest glitch ever

Posted by: MC_MrScheiwurst
Date: 2009-09-05 11:51:01
The weirdest glitch i've ever seen happened to me in my blue version. I started the game and i was right where I left of, but All characters were invisible. I moved down and there was an old man moving from right to left at each first step, he looked to the left, and at each second step, he looked up (but still went to the left). when he hit the wall, he restarted at the right. I went to the right and because I were invisible, I didn't see where I was going, and suddenly, I could'nt move anymore. I can tell because when I was trying to walk, it made the sound when you hit a wall. I restarted my Game Boy (I didn't play this on an emulator, never used a cheat device and didn't even see Missingno. or one of his friends) and it said ,,Your save file is corrupt!" or sth. like that. I was like ,,ALREADY NOTICED!!!". I started a new file and everything was all right! o.O Does anybody know sth. about this glitch????

Re: weirdest glitch ever

Posted by: GARYM9
Date: 2009-09-05 14:08:36
Probably just a random cartridge read error.