About the Glitch_(D8) pokemon...
Posted by: Rasengan0
Date: 2010-01-02 16:23:39
Now, I did run an emulator and gameshark cheats with yellow to encounter a lv 230 machop/machoke, but I leveled it up past level 234 and… NOTHING HAPPENED!
I kept leveling it, but after 255 it became 0… (Past the old hexadecimal FF limit). Still no evolution occurred.
I also tried to directly battle it, but I fought a Cue ball. Weird. I tried to steal his pokemon (which was D8) but the game crashed upon pokedex entry.
I also tried this on pokemon red, and to no avail. The game crashed. Same thing though, finding a cue ball in the wild.
Of course this was PkMnaPkMnfPkMnk.
so.. yeah if someone could help me get a over lv100 machoke on yellow I'd much appreciate it.