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Generation I Glitch Discussion

Making "Super Glitch" moves useful (Red/Blue/Green) - Page 3

Re: Making "Super Glitch" moves useful (Red/Blue/Green)

Posted by: Charmy
Date: 2016-09-10 14:54:21
Nope, still nothing.
Do all boxes matter or just the current one?
Also a little off-top. What do you think my avatar looks like?
EDIT:Another off-top, my first Pokémon in the HoF has a name of Q…BuN h# ;


#- that JP thingy
… - that dot thingy
I didn't even have a Poké Ball in my inventory to begin with.
EDIT2:This is a very quality picture.

Re: Making "Super Glitch" moves useful (Red/Blue/Green)

Posted by: lukazoid
Date: 2017-02-07 15:53:08
Hey i'm new here
I used superglitch in pokemon tower (on the purified protection zone floor) without a silph scope by opening and closing the fight menu and then running from battle. I used an escape rope to get to a pokemon centre and withdrew one pokemon from the pc i could then view my pokemon menu without a crash as i had 6 only to view. (photo attached no 1 ). i also used it in a different  location (cant remember where) and got an interesting restart to the game with messed up colours (went to title screen) 2nd photo . another interesting effect was talking to oak as he told me i had seen/caught  more pokemon than i actually had. hope this is posted in the correct place.

Re: Making "Super Glitch" moves useful (Red/Blue/Green)

Posted by: Yeniaul
Date: 2017-02-07 17:26:31
The "withdraw Pokemon with PC" thing is known. The party is due to the corruption. The colors are due to how the Gameboy works internally. :P

Re: Making "Super Glitch" moves useful (Red/Blue/Green)

Posted by: lukazoid
Date: 2017-02-08 03:30:41
Thanks for the reply I got the idea that people are trying to document where different effects are found. my main info source is missingnoxperts videos which arent very in depth on superglitch. I also have a question are different effects due to where the move is learned or where it is used as i saw differences in effects from both of these conditions.

Re: Making "Super Glitch" moves useful (Red/Blue/Green)

Posted by: ISSOtm
Date: 2017-02-10 07:14:17
Some of the data copied around by Super Glitch names are taken from a screen buffer. So yes, effects depend on where you are… but actually, unless you have screen data that makes the copy end there, Super Glitch will also copy other data from RAM.
Essentially, the answer to your question is "Yes".

Re: Making "Super Glitch" moves useful (Red/Blue/Green)

Posted by: lukazoid
Date: 2017-02-10 15:32:24
yeah I have been trying all sorts of different areas for learning the move and using it( even glitch city which always crashes) just got excited i found a 3trainerpoke in my pc after doing superglitch

Re: Making "Super Glitch" moves useful (Red/Blue/Green)

Posted by: Tabbender
Date: 2018-03-19 17:26:27
My game reacts oddly to the Cooltrainer move. Its type isn't even Cooltrainer, it's garbage data. Is this because it's the french version of the game ?

Also, i'm trying all i can to do the Cooltrainer glitch, and i actually did it once, but the game softlocked by repeatedly telling me Oak's "This isn't the time to use that" text as soon as i got in the bag, forcing me to reset without catching the pokemon.

Since then i absolutely can't trigger the corruption again. I tried changing the current box to an empty one and switching my 3rd and 5th party pokemon, nothing changed

Re: Making "Super Glitch" moves useful (Red/Blue/Green)

Posted by: ISSOtm
Date: 2018-03-19 18:12:57
Yeah, the type is different in French versions.
Make sure your current box is an empty one, preferably one you never used (or the one which contained the least amount of Pokémon).
Also empty your party, preferably by depositing Pokémon 1 over and over, which will duplicate the remaining Pokémon's data in the party (thus, if it's a CT-friendly Pokémon, all stlos will contain its data).
The enemy Pokémon may also prevent the glitch from fulfilling itself ; I never got the corruption to work against Dugtrios.

The softlock was caused by an invalid battle mode, which forced you to use your first item constantly. This is usually caused by corrupting too much data, so ensure you have a $50 tile in a proper spot on-screen.
You can also mitigate such a softlock by placing your Balls in the first pack slot, so if it happens again, you'll capture the Pokémon like normal.

Re: Making "Super Glitch" moves useful (Red/Blue/Green)

Posted by: Tabbender
Date: 2018-03-20 14:15:24
Weird, because i'm pretty sure i did everything right with the starting position, it does have some 50's at the end of the zone unless i missed something

Also i did change the first item in the bag to a ball in case it happens again, and there's quite a lot of boxes i never used in my game, however i don't really get what you're saying about my party, are you saying i should deposit all pokemons besides my Ditto and the pokemon with Fly ?

EDIT: Just realized the 50's are probably too low, hm… the thing is, i was trying to have a 45 as the pokemon species in order to have a MissingNo, since encountering him in french versions will freeze the game

Re: Making "Super Glitch" moves useful (Red/Blue/Green)

Posted by: ISSOtm
Date: 2018-03-20 21:18:42
To encounter Missingno in EU R/B, just perform Cooltrainer while having the last menu opened being the in-battle PkMn or Item menu, and Pokémon sprites are not flipped (if so, watch a Pokédex entry to cancel sprite flipping).
This will consistently give you a Missingno to capture.

Re: Making "Super Glitch" moves useful (Red/Blue/Green)

Posted by: Tabbender
Date: 2018-03-21 12:25:00
Thanks for the info, but won't the 50 be missing then ? Is the glitch actually dangerous if there's no 50 ?

Re: Making "Super Glitch" moves useful (Red/Blue/Green)

Posted by: ISSOtm
Date: 2018-03-21 14:02:49
The 50 is on-screen in the battle menu. You just can't see it.

Re: Making "Super Glitch" moves useful (Red/Blue/Green)

Posted by: Tabbender
Date: 2018-03-21 16:55:10
Oh, alright then.

Re: Making "Super Glitch" moves useful (Red/Blue/Green)

Posted by: Tabbender
Date: 2018-03-23 13:36:16
Okay, so something really weird happened to me.

I switched to a box with exactly 9 Pokemon in it and since i did, the glitch started to work really well. I caught 6 MissingNo's and a Mankey. However, i then tried to load Pokemon 255 (Charizard 'M). When i tried to get to my Ditto's moves the game froze. Then i reseted, and since then i'm back to the state where i seemingly can't perform the glitch.

That's weird. I'll try to have less Pokemon in the current box and see what happens. Also, do you think the freeze might have anything to do with this or was it just a coincidence ?