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Generation I Glitch Discussion

Minor note about double evolutions in Generation I - Page 1

Minor note about double evolutions in Generation I

Posted by: Torchickens
Date: 2013-06-04 15:05:39
In Generation I, normally if a glitch Pokémon is due to evolve twice at a certain level, or evolves twice due to the evolve without stone glitch, the game will bring up the message that the former Pokémon is trying to evolve twice.

The Pokémon it evolves into first is the highest level or the stone evolution. The latter Pokémon is the lower level or level-up evolution.


:- LM4 evolving into Clefairy at level 18, then evolving into Nidoking at level 18

If the Pokémon is a hex:00 Pokémon, double evolutions work differently. After the first evolution, the game will state that the Pokémon the former Pokémon evolved into is evolving, complete with its species name (although I don't know of a way to legitimately see the species name due to level 127+ 'M being unobtainable?).


:- 3TrainerPoké evolving into Clefairy at level 128, then "Clefairy" evolves into Kangaskhan at level 0.

Incidentally, contrary to common belief, the evolve without a stone glitch was fixed in Yellow.

Re: Minor note about double evolutions in Generation I

Posted by: TheZZAZZGlitch
Date: 2013-06-05 12:08:59
The Pokémon it evolves into first is the highest level or the stone evolution. The latter Pokémon is the lower level or level-up evolution.

Actually, glitch Pokemon will evolve following the order defined in their evolution data.
For example, this is a fragment of LM4's evolution data, with the most important fragments in red:

[size=10pt][font=courier]F2 C4 CD 3A 1B CD 98 38 21 A5 C4 01 12 04 CD C4 18 0E 14 CD 39 37 D1 21 B9
C4 C3 E8 19 D5 3E EE EA F2 C4 CD 3A 1B CD 98 38 21 69 C4 01 12 07 CD C4 18[/font][/size]

The evolution data for normal evolution [0x01] at level 18 [0x12] into Clefairy [0x04] is first, so LM4 will evolve into Clefairy first.
The evolution data for normal evolution [0x01] at level 18 [0x12] into Nidoking [0x07] is second, so LM4 will evolve into Nidoking afterwards.


For 'M/3TrainerPoke (hex 00):

[size=10pt][font=courier]38 05 23 34 2B 18 F8 E1 C9 F0 40 CB 7F 20 0E 21 80 5A 11 00 88 01 00 04 3E
04 C3 2B 18 11 80 5A 21 00 88 01 80 04 C3 86  …  00 96 01 00 02 3E 04 C3[/font][/size]

The evolution data for normal evolution [0x01] at level 128 [0x80] into Clefairy [0x04] is first, so 'M/3TrainerPoke will evolve into Clefairy first.
The evolution data for normal evolution [0x01] at level 0 [0x00] into Kangaskhan [0x02] is second, so 'M/3TrainerPoke will evolve into Kangaskhan afterwards.

If the Pokémon is a hex:00 Pokémon, double evolutions work differently.

It's actually nothing different too. It happens because 'M/3TrainerPoke evolves into Clefairy at a different level than it evolves into Kangaskhan, and since the levels are different, Clefairy's name properly appears after it evolves. This bug happens only if two evolutions occur on the same level.

Re: Minor note about double evolutions in Generation I

Posted by: Torchickens
Date: 2013-06-06 07:45:51
Thanks for your reply, TheZZAZZGlitch.

It's actually nothing different too. It happens because 'M/3TrainerPoke evolves into Clefairy at a different level than it evolves into Kangaskhan, and since the levels are different, Clefairy's name properly appears after it evolves. This bug happens only if two evolutions occur on the same level.

It doesn't seem like that to me. I tried the evolve without stone glitch to evolve a .g (hex:EE) with no nickname into Gengar (@ level 6) using Exeggutor (hex: 0A - Moon Stone) but when it evolved into Spearow (@ level 9) the game didn't say that Gengar evolved.

It's not to do with the former being a stone evolution either, because when my (hex: E2) with no nickname evolved into Missingno. (hex: AF) at level 25, then into Spearow at level 36, the game didn't say "Missingno. evolved into Spearow".

Re: Minor note about double evolutions in Generation I

Posted by: TheZZAZZGlitch
Date: 2013-06-06 13:33:51
Now I don't even know what's going on: Experimentally, I hacked EEVEE's evolution data to be exactly like LM4's, and surprisingly, it didn't show the first name twice but everything worked as normal:

Original: "L ||M 4 evolved into CLEFAIRY, L ||M 4 evolved into NIDOKING"
Hacked EEVEE: "EEVEE evolved into CLEFAIRY, CLEFAIRY evolved into NIDOKING".

This suggests that this effect actually happens only on specific Pokemon.

Re: Minor note about double evolutions in Generation I

Posted by: OwnageMuch
Date: 2013-06-06 16:35:09
Torchickens, can you test it with a nicknamed LM4 and see if you get the same result?

Re: Minor note about double evolutions in Generation I

Posted by: Torchickens
Date: 2013-06-07 07:35:58

Torchickens, can you test it with a nicknamed LM4 and see if you get the same result?

Yes. I nicknamed a level 18 LM4 'Bob' and levelled it up with a Rare Candy. The game said that Bob (with LM4's picture) evolved into Clefairy and then Bob (with LM4's picture again) evolved into Nidoking.