Glitch City Laboratories Archives

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Generation I Glitch Discussion

Surviving Selfdestruct - Pokémon Red - Page 1

Surviving Selfdestruct - Pokémon Red

Posted by: pokemaniaco
Date: 2015-06-28 12:23:57
Hello there,

Not sure if this is the place where I should say this, but here it goes:

When playing Pokémon Red, and battling Koga in Fuschia's city's Gym, I was battling his Weezing, having 6 pokémon, but only 1 (Pidgeotto) not fainted. Weezing used selfdestruct, I pressed B, and while his Weezing exploded and fainted, my Pidgeotto remained intact and I did not lose the battle.

Don't know if this is a glitch, but this fact sure happened to me, so please check it out and if it is possible. Thank you.

Best regards,

Re: Surviving Selfdestruct - Pokémon Red

Posted by: Krys3000
Date: 2015-06-28 13:28:08
Might there be a chance you were in the very specific conditions of the "god mode" glitch (missing a two-turn move like fly because of paralysis in the second turn) ?

This glitch makes you invincible for a fight. I know enemy moves usually faints, but I am not sure of what happens when an enemy uses selfdestruct with the glitch active. I was thinking about this only because you mentioned having a fly-type Pokemon.

Re: Surviving Selfdestruct - Pokémon Red

Posted by: camper
Date: 2015-06-29 04:24:26
Every move not Swift has a chance to miss.