R/B Item Pack and Storage Limits
Posted by: Fox
Date: 2016-03-08 09:42:37
I've been playing Red on my 3DS (US) and recently hit the limit of items in my PC. I was hoping there was a good way to get around that (with as little risk to my data as possible).
I read the expanded item pack page in the wiki, but from what I understand, the added slots are accessible parts of memory that affect the game in manipulating them? That it's not really something meant for actually holding your items.
Is there maybe some safe zones in the item underflow for holding stuff? Or maybe something that might help me semi-accomplish my goal. I'm mostly hording TMs I've duplicated, and so maybe a good way to re-get TMs once tossed/used could be the next best thing?
Thank you for taking the time to read. :) I look forward to any insight on dealing with these things.