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Generation I Glitch Discussion

Invalid Names - Page 1

Invalid Names

Posted by: Flandre Scarlet
Date: 2016-03-12 07:05:26
So the normal name can only be 6 characters long and have very basic characters (we can't use a lot of them) because of this the Old Man glitch (and possibly any other name related glitches) don't let you get some Pokemon or Pokemon at specific levels. My questions are: 1 using the 8F codes like the one TheZZAZZGlitch made (here change your name using the nickname of the first Pokemon could you make your name more than 6 characters long(and still save). 2 Could you put in an invalid character say the Pokedollar symbol. 3: What happens if you put in a control character (see here if you used this theoretical 8F code (not tested yet but should work or had a pokemon with a control character in its name and used the code TheZZAZZGlitch made. Also more importantly is can you save after this and not have your data deleted? This would best be tested on an emulator for safety reasons (save states). However I don't have an emulator and am running on 3DS VC and don't want to risk my save file.

Side note how do I actually hyperlink text? Whenever I click add hyperlink I have to paste the URL between a and but I still see the URL and don't make specific text hyperlinked like in other posts I have seen here

Re: Invalid Names

Posted by: GARYM9
Date: 2016-03-12 07:27:30

So the normal name can only be 6 characters long and have very basic characters (we can't use a lot of them) because of this the Old Man glitch (and possibly any other name related glitches) don't let you get some Pokemon or Pokemon at specific levels. My questions are: 1 using the 8F codes like the one TheZZAZZGlitch made (here change your name using the nickname of the first Pokemon could you make your name more than 6 characters long(and still save). 2 Could you put in an invalid character say the Pokedollar symbol. 3: What happens if you put in a control character (see here if you used this theoretical 8F code (not tested yet but should work or had a pokemon with a control character in its name and used the code TheZZAZZGlitch made. Also more importantly is can you save after this and not have your data deleted? This would best be tested on an emulator for safety reasons (save states). However I don't have an emulator and am running on 3DS VC and don't want to risk my save file.

Side note how do I actually hyperlink text? Whenever I click add hyperlink I have to paste the URL between a and but I still see the URL and don't make specific text hyperlinked like in other posts I have seen here

1. Yes, names are actually 7 characters + 1 $50 End of name marker but internally they have space for 11 (10 useable characters + one $50 End of Name marker).  Pokémon names are the same way.  10 Useable characters + an 11th slot for termination.  You CAN use the 11th slots but your name will not terminate properly.    An example of this in game is if you chose a default name like RED or JACK.  This causes your name to actually be something like RED$50JACK$50BL but since $50 is after RED, the game only parses RED.  If I remember correctly, there's a RAM value that can be edited to change the width of the start menu to compensate for the added characters but I can't seem to find it.

2. Yes.

3. The control characters just cause text overflow and in instances of text terminators, etc. will cause you to press A or B multiple times.  This can be seen with glitch pokemon with extremely long improperly terminated names (no $50 until much later).

4. Saving is not affected by changing your name to include illegitimate characters, regardless of function. 

5. [url=http://linkhere]TEXT HYPERLINK HERE[/url]

Re: Invalid Names

Posted by: Flandre Scarlet
Date: 2016-03-12 07:42:08

Re: Invalid Names

Posted by: Krys3000
Date: 2016-03-12 08:01:42
As Photon said, there is no trouble in changing the length of your name or include other characters, as long as there is a terminator at the end (so if you get your name to be 10 letters long, the 11th has to be the terminator) otherwise it will delete your save.

Indeed this is the limitation of the Old Man Trick, but using 8F, you can change that. This is also the basis of Rival's Cooltrainer and Rival's LOL glitch. As you might know, both Cooltrainer and LOL Glitch allows you to generate Pokémon from subtiles, but because of the way subtiles are arranged in bigger tiles, some subtiles are never available. It is the case of subtile 15, who matches for Mew.

To fix that, one can use two variants of those glitches, and one of them involves a glitch item which displays the name of your Rival's on the screen. Using this variant, you will be able to live-change the name of your Rival to include non-usual characters like subtile 15, thus generating Mew in the end. Haxel from the PRAMA initiative did a great work in investigating any "Rival's name item" and determine which item is the best for every Rival's name letter you would like to change. We currently don't have an english equivalent of this work, but don't hesitate to ask if you want to know more about this!

Re: Invalid Names

Posted by: Flandre Scarlet
Date: 2016-03-12 09:44:17
Just did this Then reset and my save was deleted fuck me.

Re: Invalid Names

Posted by: Krys3000
Date: 2016-03-12 10:37:01
Did you allowed the 11th character to be a terminator?

Re: Invalid Names

Posted by: Flandre Scarlet
Date: 2016-03-12 11:07:03
Not sure can't check now :(

Re: Invalid Names

Posted by: Krys3000
Date: 2016-03-12 12:05:52
Any letter above the normal terminator of a name is hex:00. So, if you change the characters to extend your name without putting a new terminator at the end, it doesn't have one, and then you lose your save :(

Re: Invalid Names

Posted by: GARYM9
Date: 2016-03-12 12:16:21
Yep, can confirm there was no end $50 terminator.  I just named my character as you did with a terminator and it properly loads the save.


Re: Invalid Names

Posted by: Flandre Scarlet
Date: 2016-03-12 16:23:06
Well I know what I plan to do when I get back to that point. Speaking of which what is the fastest/easiest/earliest obtainable 8F Setup?

Re: Invalid Names

Posted by: Krys3000
Date: 2016-03-12 17:06:03
Good question, I think ISSOtm worked on determining this. I'll tell him to come around, he might know that.

Re: Invalid Names

Posted by: ISSOtm
Date: 2016-03-13 07:33:58
Haha, thanks Krys ; anyways, I didn't look for the earliest setup possible, but I worked on one that can be obtained without big difficulties.
I'll be explaining a setup of my own (it is derived from pigdevil's), which I posted somewhere on GCLf ages ago. I allows to to put any Pokémon in your first party slot, which I found neat.

Here it is :

6 Pokémon, as follows
Any Pokémon ; really, it doesn't matter. Just put one here.
Pidgey with 233 HP
Onix (for US R/B, as I play FR R/B, I have a graveler here)

Arbok is also way easier to obtain than Kangaskhan, as there are Trainers which yield Arbok when Ditto Trick'ed.

So, here it is ! This setup uses the Ditto Trick extensively, because yay.
Also, you don't even need the Pokéflute, although I'm assuming you reached Celadon City to run the Item Underflow Glitch.

First order of business is Pidgey ; you can either level him up quickly to level 100 (that, plus some HP Ups, will grant you a Pidgey with at least 233 max HP, which you need), or just get one near Pallet Town then Rare Candy him up, but you'll need ~1h, as you must cancel his evolutions from as soon as level ~23. HF !

To obtain him and level directly to lv 100 :
1. Set up a Ditto Trick, and Teleport / Dig / Fly (Fly is better, you'll see why) to Lavender Town.
WARNING : I DON'T recommend saving after this point until you reached the fifth step. You'll see why.
2. Go south of Lavender, and you should fight the Fisherman with only one Pokémon (he should be the third you will meet). Growl at his Pokémon 6 times, then lose or defeat him.
3. Go back to Lavender, flash you START menu, and go to the West.
4. Catch Pidgey. Level 1 Pokémon freeze the game when withdrawed from the PC !!
5. Level him up to level 100 (it is preferable to Fly to Pallet Town in order to do this, that's why I recommend Fly), but it is VITAL that he doesn't evolve ! Remember to press B soon enough ^^
6. Once he is level 100, Fly to the Celadon Mart, buy enough HP Ups so that Pidgey has at least 233 max HP.
Here is why you still shouldn't have saved : last time I did this, Pidgey's IVs were so low, maxing his EVs with HP Ups didn't grant him enough HP. Thus, I had to spend a hour levelling one "natual" Pidgey all the way to level 100, so be careful.
7. If Pidgey has 233 max HP, you're good to go ; heal him, and let's get Parasect. Otherwise :
8. If Pidgey has 234 max HP, I recommend going to the Viridian Forest, and let any Pokémon attack your Pidgey, that should be weak enough for Pidgey to lose only 1 HP. Poison is another possibility.
9. If Pidgey has 235 max HP, you can let him be attacked by a Pokémon on Route 1.
10. I never encountered any other cases, but I think you are smart enough to use a combo of the previous solutions ;)

Parasect is next. Set up a Ditto Trick, and fight the Nerd right next to the Gambler usually used to set up the Ditto Trick on Route 8. Growling is not required.
The first Rocket on top of Lavender Tower also works, btw, and remember Poké Dolls allow you to bypass the use of the Silph Scope !

Onix is the one I like the least. You can either catch him naturally, or TFly him from the Rock Tunnel : from the Lavender entrance, go up, right, down, right, up, and then fight either of the two girls there. You may want to preserve the bottommost (is that the way it is written ?) one, as she is TFly-able. And her first Pokémon yields a Mew. And she has 4 Pokémon, VS 2 for the topmost one. Oh well, do as you like.

Tentacool is a piece of cake. You could surf, fish, or TFly to fight the Nerd north of Levender Town, or one of the Hikers in the Rock Tunnel, or the eastmost youngster on Route 11. Piece of cake !

Arbok really annoys me, as either you are playing Red and you can evolve him from Abo (caught on Routes 4 and 11), or Ditto Trick him… which requires Route 13 or 14. I guess you can remove Snorlax by performing one of the previous Ditto Tricks with either of the long-range Fishermen present here, the second and fourth when coming from Lavender Town.
Or just get that stupid Pokéflute. You decide.
Once you have access to Route 13 or 14, set up a Ditto Trick, and fight either the Trainer looking downwards just as you exit Route 13 (he has two Pokémon), or you can fight the Trainer southmost of Route 14 (he is looking up).

Once all of these are obtained, you have a full 8F setup.


tl;dr section (aka "Do This And Nothing Else, Otherwise Complaints Will Be GTFO'd" section)
Here is my method of easily obtaining a 8F setup, so if you are confused about what the previous blobs of text meant, just follow these steps, okay ?
Precautions to be taken :

If someone made a video of this, that'd be cool. I can't myself, I should already not be on my computer right now, so…

Re: Invalid Names

Posted by: Flandre Scarlet
Date: 2016-03-14 08:43:27
Quick question. I know not using 8F 11 times (10 characters and terminate character) will delete my save but what happens if I accidentally use 8F 12 times (1 more than I need)?

Re: Invalid Names

Posted by: Krys3000
Date: 2016-03-14 09:15:40
What do you mean exactly?

You can find informations in the RAM Map so don't hesitate to check it. As you can see, player's last character is $D162 (the terminator - but you're not forced to have 10 letters + terminator, you can insert a terminator at any address, when you want to stop your name; e.g. 6 letters + terminator). The following address, $D163, is the number of Pokémon in party.

If you try to put, let's say, a PK symbol (hex:E1) in this address, you will end up with 225 Pokémon in your party. If you're using an automatic 8F code which replaces a letter with something (e.g. a letter of your first Pokémon's nickname) and jumps to the following letter, you will replace the number of Pokémon in your party with the value of the address after the address where the terminator is taken (in this example, it would be the first letter of your second Pokémon's nickname).

Re: Invalid Names

Posted by: Flandre Scarlet
Date: 2016-03-14 13:48:39
Ok thanks. EDIT (1) Success I am now HAXF***IN$ and Prof. Oak shall now call me that forever (or until I change it)