Wait just one second.
Posted by: ravioli
Date: 2016-09-05 21:48:59
Best Generation 10/10!
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No… um… that's not how that works. If you have an item with index… oh,i don't know… 01 in hex, and it's swapped with a Pokémon, it'll be treated as the Pokémon with the index 01 in hex. Now, you know how trainers just kinda… start… after a bunch of Pokémon data? Trainers are written in the Pokémon Data AFTER Pokémon and that any Pokémon index larger than the first Trainer's index in ROM is treated as a Trainer.
If there are 191 indexes for Pokemon, and since the select glitch lets us combine Pokemon with items, 255 items, that means that there can be 48,450 select glitch Pokemon PLUS the original 190, making there 48,640 Pokemon in total in Red and Green!
Best Generation 10/10!
each hex value is a specific item AND a specific Pokémon. So 256 Pokémon and 256 items. (Because 0 is the same as 256.)
woops guess im stupid :P
so then, how many Pokemon can exist in the game? would it just be the amount of trainers and pokemon plus the 255 items being played as pokemon?