What exactly is out of bounds?
Posted by: TheUnReturned
Date: 2016-09-23 04:51:59
Does out of bounds mean "out of the screen" or "out of the current loaded map" or what
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I once got through crash tiles in Gen 1 without warping… I could still see the map I was SUPPOSED to be in, though. Trying to walk back IN crashed (suggesting it's not just a crash due to OOB, but specific tiles, pretty confirming the warp thing even though it doesn't need any more confirmation). I was over near Vermillion (is that right?) and Diglett's Cave. I just… walked out.
The term "out of bounds" means you going out of the area you were supposed to be. Doing so in gen 1 will mostly crasg the game, due to a invalid map connection (to map FF). In gen 2, the game might crash, or corrupt some data.
Gen 3 won't allow you to go out of bounds. Gen 4 leads to the Mystery Zone, and gens 5 and 6 are unknown.
In some games, there are easter eggs out of bounds.
In Gen I, some out of bounds zones reflects the content of WRAM.