some questions of a starting glitch-er...
Posted by: natanelho
Date: 2017-07-18 08:59:12
I learned recently assembly for 8051, 8085 (and others) and I want to execute some code in pokemon… I just want to know where can I find :
1. a compiler or a tool that can convert assembly code to hex,
2. any documentation of all the asm instructions I can use with 8f- I mean, I learned asm for a few processors and most of them have different instruction lists even if it is small…
3. a list of all ram/save addresses and what they represent to know for sure I dont mess up what I shouldn't and to know what I should manipulate to if I want to get what I want in the game itself… and maybe where it is safe to write
4. how to test code before executing it on pokemon- I mean it's a lot of hassle and I don't want to go through all that and get a little bug in the code…
also a few questions- is there an unused part of the save where I can place code or maybe backup some of my save or data and the game doesn't touch or modify it?
EDIT:is there an easy way with an emulator to force the program counter to a location I say? any painless way?
and if you can, a list of where are subroutines in memory and how to use them- things like "encounter with a wild pokemon" or "… with a legendary"… I assume they exist right?
tl;dr Im new to pokemon glitching but not to programming, help!