New way to get Game Corner glitch Pokémon with text pointer manipulation
Posted by: Torchickens
Date: 2018-06-16 18:21:12
If you have access to the expanded items pack, this also gives you access to the text pointer table for the current map at D36C-D36D in Red/Blue (D36B-D36C in Yellow). This value stores a pointer that leads to a series of two byte pointers for each NPC. The text pointer table is controlled by item 40's ID (D36C) and quantity (D36D).
Following the pointers for each NPC, we can store our 0xF7 byte.
In practise, for example with NPC 2 on Route 1. We could do this:
1. Escape Rope x211 can be stored at item 40, so your text pointer table begins at D31D (item slot 1)
2. 21 D3 can be stored at D31F (ThunderStone x 211) which is our NPC 2 pointer
3. At D321 we can have the F7 byte (TM47)
4. Talking to the NPC with the Coin Case may allow us to purchase various glitch Pokémon
4 4 Hy, MissingNo. and 8 P are here!
I've only just realised you can do this, and exiting the menu corrupted the player's name and party.
However, we could possibly research this more to avoid that side effect and/or get other glitch Pokémon.
As Game Corner coins are at D5A4, D5A5 if you need to have over 9999 coins to purchase a prize, you could possibly edit your coins from the expanded stored items pack in the PC (via a second dry underflow but in the PC).
Edit: The data for the prize box that appears may be based on the ID number of the NPC (the one stored at CF13).