Strange Bike Shop Glitch
Posted by: SomeoneHere
Date: 2018-06-28 20:01:03
So while doing a normal playthrough of Pokemon Red (this is my first real playthough of it) on an online emulator, I got the Bike Voucher and went to the Bike Shop. I went to the counter and showed the man the voucher. He played the text boxes to show that he knew I had a voucher and even he was going to give me one, but I didn't get one. I did a few times, with a different angle on him when talking. I also went out and back in the shop. I even put the Bike Voucher in and out of the PC, but nothing changed… The game won't give me a bike. You get why it is extremely infuriating?
If I had to name this glitch, it would be the 'Unobtainable Bike Glitch.' If you don't believe me, I even have the save state of the glitch! Here is a link to it:
Also here is a link to the online emulator if you want context:
Thanks for reading!