Beat Brock%
Posted by: Sherkel
Date: 2019-10-11 21:34:10
The route would have been way too freeze-prone (and it froze very frequently already) if he went for Venusaur in particular, so it turned into a "Beat Brock%" run, which him, Stringflow, and Decon routed and optimized over the course of the next three hours, amounting to success: .
The ridiculous speed with which those three worked through such complicated obstacles with sustained coordination as notes and commentary kept getting passed back and forth was worthy of awe, to say the least. I didn't even realize how much time had passed once it was over, and that's something even my absolute favorite things can't ever make me say.
The fact Charizard 'M learns Dragon Rage was the crux of the run, and surely enough the most linked-to place after Pastebin was our site. :) Maybe I should have logged in and rallied a few of you up…but if you haven't already, definitely keep an eye on this sort of stuff; it's helped popularize glitchology more than anything else.