Hall of Fame Corruption but worse
Posted by: CytricAcid
Date: 2020-05-03 17:52:23
In fact, in Red and Blue, all the hybrid glitch pokemon in the game do not have freezing front sprites with dimensions of 0x0 (thats the only dimension that can do more than just corrupt the HoF that I'm aware of). However, in Yellow, there are two pokemon that are in fact hybrids and have front sprite dimensions of 0x0, which are 0xEC and 0xF4. If these pokemon appeared in the Hall of Fame or viewed in the status screen, they would likely have similar effects to Yellow Missingno.
And in fact, Evie already did a video about this in 2016, demonstrating that viewing their status screens will in fact cause overworld corruption though no lasting damage is done. I assume the same would happen if they were displayed in the HoF. So, I already have my answer. But I want to do more!
To get one of those pokemon and view their status involves catching them, and since you can't catch them because of their front sprites, you need to go through a really convoluted process using other glitches in order to catch it, as demonstrated in her video. That's all fine and dandy, but if you could just have it appear in the HoF, you could get all the benefits of corruption *right in your PC!*
So here's my plan - find a way to make one of those pokemon appear in your HoF, through the back and/or front sprites of other glitch pokemon.
We can already do the corruption through catching the pokemon in a convoluted manner and viewing it's status, but I want something thats easier to set up. Trainer Fly is a pretty simple glitch to perform, but we're limited to pokemon that have IDs less than 200 or any glitch pokemon that do appear on the teams of Trainer Fly pokemon trainers. We can also use pokemon that appear in the HoF to corrupt it further, like a terrible recursive loop of corruption.
How easy this is depends heavily on how deterministic HoF corruption is. Are the corruptions constant or not? What are the patterns? Is it safe to just encounter 1 glitch pokemon enough times until it corrupts one of the pokemon to be 0xEC or 0xF4, or do only specific pokemon appear in the HoF based on the front sprite encountered? How can we manipulate it so that one of those two bytes appears in HoF data? I think this could be really interesting to look into. We already recently got a video going over how pokemon sprites are decompressed recently, but I don't recall the corruptions being constant. Is it possible to just continually encounter pokemon with a glitch pokemon's huge backsprite and eventually corrupt the HoF in just the right way, or is this result only possible with certain glitch pokemon's front and back sprites?
There really is no purpose to this other than for fun, and possibly explore the effects of those glitch pokemon's sprites without having to use glitch items or ACE. Yellow Missingno, obviously, has similar effects, but I think the possibility of accidentally triggering it through corrupted Hall Of Fame data is really funny and unexpected.