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Generation II Glitch Discussion

Above level 100 in Silver - Page 1

Above level 100 in Silver

Posted by: RevManson
Date: 2009-11-10 12:41:39
First off, I'm not the best explainer, as this may sound confusing. But anyway…
This is exactly what I saw in my game.

First, I got no. 255 (see my other thread in this exact are of discussion). I wanted to try the bad clone trick yet again.
Skip foward in time by a bit. It didn't work at all. Heck, I did the correct procedure, and everything. I did the trick to get normal pokemon at the bottom to fix my mistake, as I had the ''bad clone'' (was a no.000) and just one no.255 at this point.
(the trick is to get rid of a glitch pokemon, btw)

well, I really didn't want to get rid of my no.255, so I left a Squirtle in the 7th slot.

Skip ahead again, and stop where I have finally six pokemon, along with the no.000 and two no.255's. I wanted to go back in time to drop the no.000 or one no.255 off in blue…but I digress.

Anyway, I decided to play around with the no.000. I put it in the very last slot of the party, and clicked on it. I went to its moves, as glitched/missingno.-like pokemon don't want to show up when you use the Move menu to scroll through your party. I pressed right, and gobs of pokemon showed up.

I saw anything from Lvl. 0 to Lvl. 255 from multiple pokemon with various moves, glitched or not.

Perhaps I should provide some pictures for this event?

Any thoughts on this?

Re: Above level 100 in Silver

Posted by: GARYM9
Date: 2009-11-10 14:20:54
Yes, screenshots would be nice as there's no known way to get Pokemon over level 100 in G/S/C.

Re: Above level 100 in Silver

Posted by: RevManson
Date: 2009-11-10 16:55:24
There, I put the screenshots as attachmets.

Honestly, it freaked the hell out of me.  :o

Re: Above level 100 in Silver

Posted by: GARYM9
Date: 2009-11-10 17:18:42
Edit: Ah, I see it, could you view the stats of the Pokémon?

Re: Above level 100 in Silver

Posted by: RevManson
Date: 2009-11-10 17:48:57
unfornately not….:(

Now to figure out how to get rid of the no.000….as I can't trade until further notice. Or perhaps I should keep it? See if anyone responds back to this thread….Because that would be highly interesting to see why this happens.

Re: Above level 100 in Silver

Posted by: ?????(000)
Date: 2009-11-11 11:55:09
Two Pokemon called "bra".

I didn't know you collected ladies underwear.

*Shot repeatedly*

It's interesting how all those moves in the screen shots have 63PP for each move's use, even though the max.PP for the moves is lower.

Personally I never heard of Wwaterfall with anything/21 PP.

Re: Above level 100 in Silver

Posted by: OwnageMuch
Date: 2009-11-25 22:03:56
Stuff like this happens a lot to me when I mess around with my emulator. It seems No. 000 can give all sorts of glitch effects, causing your pokemon to evolve, wild glitch pokemon appearing, glitch moves, changing you pokemon and giving random items. This sounds similar to Celebi gltich.

I noticed after glitching on my emulator my PC in other saves turned any pokemon not in box 1 into a glitch with level 255 when I move it there. Strange….