Above level 100 in Silver
Posted by: RevManson
Date: 2009-11-10 12:41:39
This is exactly what I saw in my game.
First, I got no. 255 (see my other thread in this exact are of discussion). I wanted to try the bad clone trick yet again.
Skip foward in time by a bit. It didn't work at all. Heck, I did the correct procedure, and everything. I did the trick to get normal pokemon at the bottom to fix my mistake, as I had the ''bad clone'' (was a no.000) and just one no.255 at this point.
(the trick is to get rid of a glitch pokemon, btw)
well, I really didn't want to get rid of my no.255, so I left a Squirtle in the 7th slot.
Skip ahead again, and stop where I have finally six pokemon, along with the no.000 and two no.255's. I wanted to go back in time to drop the no.000 or one no.255 off in blue…but I digress.
Anyway, I decided to play around with the no.000. I put it in the very last slot of the party, and clicked on it. I went to its moves, as glitched/missingno.-like pokemon don't want to show up when you use the Move menu to scroll through your party. I pressed right, and gobs of pokemon showed up.
I saw anything from Lvl. 0 to Lvl. 255 from multiple pokemon with various moves, glitched or not.
Perhaps I should provide some pictures for this event?
Any thoughts on this?