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Generation II Glitch Discussion

The coin case glitch - Page 1

The coin case glitch

Posted by: Glitch Hunter
Date: 2010-11-14 04:47:35
Not sure whee this would actually go, but I got bored and decided to research further into what Pokemon cause which effect in the coin case glitch in G/S/C. Not all the Pokemon are here because I'm still working on Pokedex and actually testing it.

Pokemon Effect
Abra Game resets, all graphics screen or lost, see through, no background and sprites are pale blue.
Aerodactly Displays which move? where coins should be displayed.
Alakazam Displays which move? where coins should be displayed.
Arbok Game resets, all graphics screen or lost, see through, no background and sprites are pale blue.
Arcanine Displays which move? where coins should be displayed.
Ariados Displays which move? where coins should be displayed.
Bayleef Displays which move? where coins should be displayed.
Beedrill Displays which move? where coins should be displayed.
Bellossom Displays which move? where coins should be displayed.
Bellsprout Causes Glitch Dimension.
Blastiose Displays which move? where coins should be displayed.
Bulbasaur Resets game, small glitch blocks visible, freezes game.
Butterfree Displays which move?he PP of where coins should be displayed.
Caterpie Resets game, small glitch blocks visible, freezes game.
Charizard Displays which move? where coins should be displayed.
Charmeleon Displays which move?he PP of where coins should be displayed.
Chikorita Resets game, small glitch blocks visible, freezes game.
Clefairy Resets game, small glitch blocks visible, freezes game.
Cloyster Causes Glitch Dimension.
Crobat Displays which move? where coins should be displayed.
Cubone Displays which move? where coins should be displayed.
Cyndquil Resets game, small glitch blocks visible, freezes game.
Delibird Causes Glitch Dimension.
Dewgong Displays which move? where coins should be displayed.
Diglett Resets game, small glitch blocks visible, freezes game.
Doduo Resets game, small glitch blocks visible, freezes game.
Donphan Displays which move? where coins should be displayed.
Dragonair Displays which move? where coins should be displayed.
Dragonite Displays which move? where coins should be displayed.
Dratini Displays which move?he PP of where coins should be displayed.
Drowzee Resets game, small glitch blocks visible, freezes game.
Dugtrio Resets game, small glitch blocks visible, freezes game.
Eevee Resets game, small glitch blocks visible, freezes game.
Ekans Displays which move?he PP of where coins should be displayed.
Electabuzz Displays which move? where coins should be displayed.
Electrode Turns screen black and emits a high pitched noise.
Espeon Displays which move? where coins should be displayed.
Exeggcute Displays which move? where coins should be displayed.
Exeggutor Displays which move? where coins should be displayed.
Fearow Displays which move? where coins should be displayed.
Flaaffy None
Flareon Resets game, small glitch blocks visible, freezes game.
Forretress Displays which move? where coins should be displayed.
Furret Displays the number of coins with glitch blocks next to it.
Gastly Displays which move? where coins should be displayed.
Gengar Displays which move? where coins should be displayed.
Geodude Resets game, small glitch blocks visible, freezes game.
Girafarig Resets game, small glitch blocks visible, freezes game.
Gloom Displays which move?he PP of where coins should be displayed.
Golbat Displays which move? where coins should be displayed.
Goldeen Displays which move?he PP of where coins should be displayed.
Golduck Displays which move?he PP of where coins should be displayed.
Golem Displays which move?he PP of where coins should be displayed.
Granbull Displays which move? where coins should be displayed.
Graveler Displays which move? where coins should be displayed.
Grimer Displays which move? where coins should be displayed.
Growlithe Displays which move?he PP of where coins should be displayed.
Gyarados Displays which move? where coins should be displayed.
Haunter Displays which move?he PP of where coins should be displayed.
Hitmonchan Displays which move? where coins should be displayed.
Hitmonlee Displays which move? where coins should be displayed.
Hitmontop Displays which move? where coins should be displayed.
Ho-oh Displays which move? where coins should be displayed.
Hoothoot Crashes game.
Hoppip Resets game, small glitch blocks visible, freezes game.
Horsea Causes Glitch Dimension.
Houndoom Displays which move? where coins should be displayed.
Houndour Displays which move? where coins should be displayed.
Ivysaur Displays which move? where coins should be displayed.
Jigglypuff Resets game, small glitch blocks visible, freezes game.
Jolteon Displays which move? where coins should be displayed.
Jumpluff Displays which move? where coins should be displayed.
Jynx Displays which move? where coins should be displayed.
Kabutops Resets game, small glitch blocks visible, freezes game.
Kadabra Displays which move? where coins should be displayed.
Kakuna Causes Glitch Dimension.
Kingdra Displays which move? where coins should be displayed.
Kingler Causes Glitch Dimension.
Koffing Displays which move? where coins should be displayed.
Krabby Causes Glitch Dimension.
Lapras Displays which move? where coins should be displayed.
Larvitar Displays which move?he PP of where coins should be displayed.
Ledyba Resets game, small glitch blocks visible, freezes game.
Lickitung Displays which move? where coins should be displayed.
Machamp Displays which move? where coins should be displayed.
Machoke Causes Glitch Dimension.
Machop Causes Glitch Dimension.
Magcargo Displays which move?he PP of where coins should be displayed.
Magikarp Resets game, small glitch blocks visible, freezes game.
Magmar Turns screen black and emits a high pitched noise.

Re: The coin case glitch

Posted by: Torchickens
Date: 2010-11-14 06:00:09
This will be useful for our wiki article on Coin Case glitches. Unfortunately, memory issues only allow very small edits at the present moment but good work there.

Re: The coin case glitch

Posted by: Glitch Hunter
Date: 2010-11-14 06:11:48
Thaks, i'll add more pokemon soon when i'm not scripting.

Re: The coin case glitch

Posted by: OwnageMuch
Date: 2010-11-14 21:23:06
Great job so far, I'm glad someone was motivated enough to start this :)

Re: The coin case glitch

Posted by: Glitch Hunter
Date: 2010-11-16 06:55:49
Could someone get me a save game (.sgm) for pokemon gold so i can test these wit hall the pokemon coz my actually cartridge hasn't got them all.

Re: The coin case glitch

Posted by: OwnageMuch
Date: 2010-11-17 13:56:40
Pokemon Red? I'm pretty certain these glitches only work on Gold/Silver/Crystal. But I think I probably wouldn't be allowed to give you one anyway…. I will wait and see what staff (Torchickens) says next.

Re: The coin case glitch

Posted by: Stackout
Date: 2010-11-17 14:32:15
Google gives you all…

It's saved at Indigo Plateau and has 151 Pokémon.

Re: The coin case glitch

Posted by: Glitch Hunter
Date: 2010-11-19 04:35:57
Damn, i meant a pokemon gold sgm, sorry about that