Obtaining arbitrary items in G/S/C through Time Capsule
Posted by: Háčky
Date: 2013-07-23 08:46:12
The item a Generation I Pokémon holds when traded to a Generation II game is determined by the byte which stored the species catch rate in Generation I. The developers deliberately arranged some item index numbers in Generation II so that certain Pokémon would hold certain items when traded from Generation Ie.g., Lucky Punch, which boosts Chanseys critical hit ratio, was given the index number 0x1E corresponding with Chanseys unique catch rate of 30 so that Chansey traded from Generation I would hold it. However, the most common catch rate numbers correspond to item index numbers which were intentionally left blank (Teru-sama and dummy TMs/HMs), except for the Card Key, which is a key item that cannot be legitimately held. When a Generation I Pokémon with one of these catch rates is traded to Generation II, it receives a held item determined by a table which can be found at offsets 286D6286ED in the Gold/Silver ROM and 287852879C in Crystal:
Catch rate 25: Leftovers (instead of 0x19 Teru-sama)
Catch rate 45: Bitter Berry (instead of 0x2D Teru-sama)
Catch rate 50: Gold Berry (instead of 0x32 Teru-sama)
Catch rate 90: Berry (instead of 0x5A Teru-sama)
Catch rate 100: Berry (instead of 0x64 Teru-sama)
Catch rate 120: Berry (instead of 0x78 Teru-sama)
Catch rate 127: Berry (instead of 0x7F Card Key)
Catch rate 135: Berry (instead of 0x87 Teru-sama)
Catch rate 190: Berry (instead of 0xBE Teru-sama)
Catch rate 195: Berry (instead of 0xC3 dummy TM04)
Catch rate 220: Berry (instead of 0xDC dummy TM28)
Catch rate 250: Berry (instead of 0xFA HM08)
Catch rate 255: Berry (instead of 0xFF HM13)
(Curiously, no Pokémon in Red/Blue/Yellow actually has a catch rate of 135, 195, 220, or 250. Maybe those catch rates exist in the Japanese Red/Green? The developers clearly thought it was necessary to reserve indices 195 and 220 by placing dummy items between the real TM04 and TM05, and between TM27 and the real TM28.)
If an item index/catch rate doesnt appear in this table, it is left alone by the Time Capsule. This allows a Pokémon holding an item to be traded to Generation I and retain that held item when traded back to Generation II. If we use 8F or ws m to modify a Pokémons stored catch rate in a Generation I game, it will hold the corresponding item when traded to Generation II, even if it is a key item or Teru-sama, as long is it is not one of the items converted by the table above. This program will change the first party Pokémons held item to any desired value:
Lemonade XX
ThunderStone 114 [in Red/Blue] or 113 [in Yellow]
TM09 119
3E XX ld a, XX
21 7½ D1 ld hl, $D172 [in Red/Blue] or $D171 [in Yellow]
77 ld (hl), a
C9 ret
This may be an easier way to obtain key items for item duplication than using the Celebi glitch, since once the program is set up, you can quickly give several Pokémon different items that you want. It can also be used to obtain the glitch items HM10HM12 (but not HM13, because its index 0xFF is a valid catch rate), for which the Celebi glitch would require glitch moves.