The effects of ????? (00)'s second type in Crystal
Posted by: Torchickens
Date: 2013-09-17 10:54:52
I've been wondering what exactly happens when you view its stats. There seems to be a buffer overflow of some sort as too much memory is written for the name of its second type and then on VBA-RR v24 svn422, map corruption can occur in certain areas like Pokémon Centers.
It is definitely related to the second type. I'm not sure if I tracked this correctly, but through extrapolation I found that 000's data begins at 0x53404 (0x051424 + 255 * 0x20) and I got this data.
Dex: 50h
Base HP: 50h
Base Attack: 8Ah
Base Defense: 80h
Base Speed: 8Ah
Base Special Attack: 94h
Base Dpecial Defense: 8Dh
Type 1: 80h
Type 2: 50h
Catch rate: 50h
Base Exp Yield: 50h
Wild held item 1: 50h
Wild held item 2: 81h
Gender ratio: 84h
Unknown: 84h
Egg cycles: 83h
Unknown: 91h
Dimensions of frontsprite: 88h
Blank: 8B, 8B, 50, 50
Egg Groups: 8F
TM and HM flags: 88 83 86 84 98 50 50 50
Note that my data might be wrong if 000's data doesn't directly follow but I did find that when I gave Bulbasaur the 80h and 50h types, it indeed became a 'Normal'/(Glitched) type like ????? (00), and the map corruption glitch worked on VBA-rr.
My questions are:
1) Is "Missingning" (map corruption through ????? [00]) normal behavior? It doesn't work on BGB, which is strange. Can somebody who has experience with the Celebi glitch like SloshedMail test it on a normal cartridge?
2) Where does glitch type 50h or ???? (00)'s second type get its name from? It seems to depend on the area.
3) What are the range of memory addresses we can manipulate? Could we do things like activating the GS Ball event flag (like Paco81 asked)? Does this glitch's map corruption have speedrunning potential, or is the 27 Pokémon method in Gold/Silver the only viable way? The problem with that method is that the game can freeze for some reason when you view the party, but so can this method in certain areas.
I will try testing this in many areas in the game to see if there are any interesting effects, such as how wwwxxyy caused the New Game screen to pop up. (IIMarckus' list of map digits)