The reason for the Kingdras and '?' symbols in the bad clone trick
Posted by: Crystal_
Date: 2014-09-12 08:56:28
Function1383:: ; 1383
ld a, $e6
ld [hli], a
call PrintLetterDelay
jp NextChar
; 138c
When a char is interpreted, the routine at 0:1087 analyzes which character we are dealing with in case it's an identifier with an special function (such as a new line, or the 'POK' symbol) and jumps to 0:1383 if the char is 0. Function1383 then writes 0xE6 -which is the '?' character- in hl and we move on the next char. hl points to the corresponding tile in the tilemap so this routine is basically overwritting the "blank" character 00 directly in the tilemap.
PlaceString:: ; 1078
push hl
PlaceNextChar:: ; 1079
ld a, [de]
cp "@"
jr nz, CheckDict
ld b, h
ld c, l
pop hl
pop de
NextChar:: ; 1083
inc de
jp PlaceNextChar
CheckDict:: ; 1087
cp $15
jp z, Function117b
cp $4f
jp z, Char4F
cp $4e
jp z, Function12a7
cp $16
jp z, Function12b9
and a
jp z, Function1383
Since the bad clone's name is just a bunch of 00's without the terminator character (0x50), when the name is read from the string buffer 1 (WRAM:D072), the game will keep on reading bytes as characters and, for every 00, write the '?' symbol in the different tiles of the tile map, eventually going past the 10 tiles that make up the bad clone's name.
The buffer at D072 is the first buffer, meaning that if any of the other 3 buffers has been used before, there will be a terminator character somewhere, making the whole thing not work (this is why one of the requeriments for the trick is saving in front of the box and reseting the gameboy without doing anything else before performing the trick).
This is the result of for example changing 0:1384 to 0xE7:
Notice the '!' symbols as well as the Phanpy sprite (both have hex identifiers of 0xE7).
If, instead, you just NOP the ld [hli],a instruction, the bad clone trick won't work, as, apart from the '?' symbols not appearing, FF/CANCEL remains as Pokemon FF/CANCEL instead of becoming a withdrawable Kingdra.
I couldn't still find out where all the Pokemon (including FF/CANCEL) becoming Kingdra comes from though. It must be related to the spam of 0xE6 as well, but box pokemon data is located in SRAM (bank 1, from ram address AD10 on), but tracking it down with the debugger, I've seen that the 0xE6 bytes never get written in SRAM, and the data there always seems to be correct (matching the data of the Pokemon "behind" the Kingdra). So this has to come from somewhere else.