Obtaining ????? (silver) without coin case/ bad clones.
Posted by: shutterbug2000
Date: 2014-12-18 19:01:00
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Is it at all possible to get a bad clone in silver by trading from blue? For some reason, 'm shows up as slowpoke(?!) In silver, which according to the hex list, shouldn't be happening… Any ideas?
Well, I'm testing a theory I have at the moment. I'll let you know how that goes.
Actually, hex:FF is considered a ????? (FF) on Gold, at least from Yellow, and not Snubbull or Granbull. I'm sorry for relying on data and not checking myself.
When you try to trade glitch Pokémon to Generation II, you often get a message that it is "abnormal" which prevents you from trading it, you've probably seen it before. To make it tradeable, it must:
*Must not be an unstable stable.
*Must not be over level 100.
*Must have types that match the Generation II Pokémon.
Hex:FF ????? is a dual-type 'l) m) ZM/Normal glitch Pokémon. The hexadecimal representation of its type is apparently 7C 0C; so you need to give Q those types and then trade it. I'll try to make a ws m code (or 8F code if this would work with Charizard 'M) that changes its types tomorrow.
Edit: I made a code but I don't know where I got my old type values from. I think they may have been wrong, so I'm going to rewrite it and say if it lets you trade it. One moment.
Edit 2: My code didn't let it tradeable. I wonder why it didn't work.
The code was:
ld a, $7C | 3E 7C
ld h, D1 | 26 D1
ld l, 6F | 2E 6F
ld (hli),a | 22
ld a, $0C | 3E 0C
ld (hli),a | 22
ret | C9
Lemonade x124
Carbos x209
X Accuracy x111
Water Stone x62
Burn Heal x34
TM01 x(anything)
It sets D16F and D170 to 7C 0C.