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Generation II Glitch Discussion

Assign a sprite to a MissingN°. in G/S/C - Page 1

Assign a sprite to a MissingN°. in G/S/C

Posted by: Halfshadow
Date: 2016-04-12 03:57:15
Is possible assign the fossils sprite to a 2 of the 4 existing MissingN°. that when appear show the tileset graphic instead of a real pic?

I can compress and add the sprites of the fossils into the rom, but the poképic script string need to show a pic of an existing pokémon and the only way without overwrite existing pokémon will be assign to a 2 missingN°.

Re: Assign a sprite to a MissingN°. in G/S/C

Posted by: Missingnoguy55
Date: 2016-04-12 04:25:18

Is possible assign the fossils sprite to a 2 of the 4 existing MissingN°. that when appear show the tileset graphic instead of a real pic?

I can compress and add the sprites of the fossils into the rom, but the poképic script string need to show a pic of an existing pokémon and the only way without overwrite existing pokémon will be assign to a 2 missingN°.
I have been trying this myself to no avail. I have assigned pic pointers to 252 and also defined said sprites, but it refuses to work for some reason. Maybe there's something I'm missing?

Re: Assign a sprite to a MissingN°. in G/S/C

Posted by: Krys3000
Date: 2016-04-12 04:32:06

You are talking about glitch Pokémon whose hex ID is 00, FC, FE and FF. MissingNo. is a very specific case that only happens in 1G.

I have a tutorial that once was published on PRAMA to add sprites to glitch Pokémon in 1G. Unfortunately, I don't know how to do in 2G.

Re: Assign a sprite to a MissingN°. in G/S/C

Posted by: Halfshadow
Date: 2016-04-12 06:32:48
In alternative there is a way to add an asm for load a sprite by offset into a script instead of the poképic command? Will be however fine.

Re: Assign a sprite to a MissingN°. in G/S/C

Posted by: Missingnoguy55
Date: 2016-04-13 00:27:31
Okay, I have figured out a way to actually get this to work when placing Pokémon sprite data in place of 252.

The sprite data is used in conjunction with other functions by a constant called NUM_POKEMON defined in pokemon_constants.asm. Adding a new Pokemon here can only be done via the same way the Egg was added, otherwise WRAM0 will overflow.

Now, the sprite data is actually loaded into memory by a check in wildmons.asm on whether something is an actual species or not, and it uses NUM_POKEMON + 1 (+1 being an Egg of course), so if you put + 2 instead, it will interpret 252 as an actual Pokemon if you defined all its proper data, including sprites. Eggs won't be affected, of course. The function in question on where to change this is ValidateTempWildMonSpecies.

Cries will not work, however. This can be changed in cry.asm under a similar function, called GetCryIndex.

Hope this helps, it took me three days to figure this out on my own. Couldn't have done it without Photon-Phoenix's help.

Re: Assign a sprite to a MissingN°. in G/S/C

Posted by: Halfshadow
Date: 2016-04-13 02:30:41
I don't use assembly, but usaully the hex editor. Please can you tell me where is the offset of the pokémon number and after where is the pointer for the sprites? I have to add 2 pokémon sprites, 2 fossils from R/G/B/Y. Can you help me please? :)

Re: Assign a sprite to a MissingN°. in G/S/C

Posted by: Missingnoguy55
Date: 2016-04-13 14:19:10

I don't use assembly, but usaully the hex editor. Please can you tell me where is the offset of the pokémon number and after where is the pointer for the sprites? I have to add 2 pokémon sprites, 2 fossils from R/G/B/Y. Can you help me please? :)
The pointers to the pics are around 48000-485DF if I recall correctly. I'm not sure about the others, but this might prove useful to you if you haven't utilized it already.

Re: Assign a sprite to a MissingN°. in G/S/C

Posted by: Halfshadow
Date: 2016-04-13 14:29:27
Ok, and the way to add 2 more pokémons like you have sayied? I can't find it into the Crystal repository, but I think maybe will be something like FF01 (251 + 1 for the egg) only I don't know where is the right offset in the rom to edit it with the hexing. Can you tell me where is please?