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Generation II Glitch Discussion

New cloning glitch with Poke Transporter - Page 1

New cloning glitch with Poke Transporter

Posted by: Wanderer1391
Date: 2018-01-11 22:14:36
So a new glitch was found recently involving the cloning glitch and Poke Transporter as seen in this video by the person who found it:

Said glitch works with both the English and Japanese versions of Gen 2 but I'm personally not sure on any other versions such as Korean Gold/Silver.

The thing I'm curious about though is what is actually happening here. Is the Transporter being tricked into reading another box as box 1 or are the Pokemon being partially cloned somehow as leftover data into box 1 as any Pokemon in box 1 end up being deleted?

Re: New cloning glitch with Poke Transporter

Posted by: Torchickens
Date: 2018-01-12 05:08:52
Ooh this is cool. :)

The steps seems to be:

1. Fill a box that isn't box 1 (box 5 JP? box 6 EN?) with 20 (EN)/30 (JP) Pokémon (or possibly less if you don't plan to clone as many Pokémon)
2. Switch to box 1; must be empty.
3. Switch to the other box but reset the game early while saving.
4. Press the Home menu with the game running, load Poké Transporter.

; Poké Transporter thinks box 1 has the Pokémon from the other box when it is actually empty.

The glitched Pokémon counter might be related to the game reducing 20/30 from 0 (box 1's amount) and getting a glitched box amount value that is 256-(other box's amount). However that's just an educated guess as haven't tried this yet.

The thing I'm curious about though is what is actually happening here. Is the Transporter being tricked into reading another box as box 1 or are the Pokemon being partially cloned somehow as leftover data into box 1 as any Pokemon in box 1 end up being deleted?

Not sure, sorry. I'd guess the former because AD6C in SRAM (Pokémon in current box) would be wiped, so maybe:

1. The game updates the box data but not the box number yet.
or 2.  The game looks up which box to take data from this structure (probably not because you can only ever take Pokémon with the Poké Transporter from box 1):

SECTION "Boxes 1-7",  SRAM, BANK [2]

box sBox1
box sBox2
box sBox3
box sBox4
box sBox5
box sBox6
box sBox7

I'm curious whether you can do anything else with the glitched box counter.

Re: New cloning glitch with Poke Transporter

Posted by: Stackout
Date: 2018-01-13 18:41:23

Current box contents are saved to SRAM, then the box number in WRAM is changed and the new box loaded from SRAM.

Interestingly I don't think the box number in SRAM ever gets touched by simply changing boxes.

Re: New cloning glitch with Poke Transporter

Posted by: SgvSth
Date: 2018-02-07 17:37:49
Well, I have been testing this a bit and it basically can do a bit of corruption to Pokémon sent to Box 1.  Had a few Dittos from my party that were renamed to be first "ILVER" and then "LVER" based on my actual IGN of SILVER after I deposited two using the Move Pkmn W/O Mail option while cutting out the music or corrupting it heavily. The OT is now just a ? instead of SILVER.

Not sure what would happen if I kept going until a Ditto ran out of Letters for its name, but I would rather not try until I am ok with losing save data, should it occur.

When catching a Pokémon that is unnicknamed, the game will give it a nickname based on the player's IGN minus the number of deposits.  Thus, I caught a Drowzee that was given the nickname "VER".  This did not really matter as the Drowzee was not in Box 1 when I went to withdraw. 

Thankfully it was not a shiny.  :P

If a caught Pokémon is given a nickname, then it does keep it for the two seconds that it exists before being deleted by Box 1.  Also, depositing a Pokémon into Box 1 will delete it.  (Goodbye, LVER…)

So, outside of the creepy renaming, music corruption, and Pokémon deletion, this does not seem to have any bad effects at all.  :P

Edit: I do want to note that I used English Box 4 to do the cloning, that it does not need to be a full box, and that if you have a non-corrupt Box 1 with 2 Pokémon and you use this glitch to clone 1 Pokémon, then you only lose one Pokémon in Box 1 and the box does not get corrupted.  It only gets corrupted when you clone more Pokémon than what Box 1 had.

Second Edit: So, playing with it has led to the following:

The game corrupts the name of the Pokémon with one less character based on the player's name.  Thus, from SILVER, we had ILVER, LVER, VER, ER, and R.  After R, we get a blank space that is treated as eight question marks.  (I will assume for now that this is due to nothing existing after the R in SILVER, so it is treated differently.)  Finally, after space/eight question marks, we get "nothing" which is treated as one question mark.  And by nothing, I mean that you will see "Go! !" and "'s attack missed!" as if there is nothing to the name.  Interestingly, they can still be Transported up to Bank, which will revert the name of "nothing"/one question mark back to its species name while changing the OT to blank spaces.

As for catching Pokémon, still nothing.  They all get deleted after the name change.  Not to mention that the Dittos retained their positions in the box, so it looks like this is where the glitch ends.

Re: New cloning glitch with Poke Transporter

Posted by: Krys3000
Date: 2018-05-20 04:12:42
There has been an interesting post on PRAMA by Alkan (original post, regarding a way to use the Poké Transporter to send some Pokémon in recent gens while not losing them in G/S/C. This is different than the glitch explained in this thread but I'd like to know if this was known before?

The idea is :
- Store a number of useless Pokémon in box 1, then save.
- Replace the Pokémon by the same amount of Pokémon you want to clone. Quit the game WITHOUT SAVING.
- For some reason Poké Transporter will behave as if the G/S/C game was saved and propose to send these Pokémon.
- Once done, the Pokémon will now be in both game, as the G/S/C game was not saved!

Here's a video:

Re: New cloning glitch with Poke Transporter

Posted by: Krys3000
Date: 2018-05-21 14:40:12
Sorry for double-posting but I can't confirm that Pokémon stored in box 1 indeed appears in the Transporter app, even though the game was not saved and therefore the Pokémon are not effectively in this box.

I haven't tried to transfer but I'm sure it works as said by Alkan.

I can't explain that glitch. How can Poké Transporter know of a progression that wasn't saved?

Re: New cloning glitch with Poke Transporter

Posted by: Torchickens
Date: 2018-05-21 14:44:50
I suspect this might be something to do with the fact that stored Pokémon data is stored in the SRAM region (so the game may be accessing SRAM even though the player didn't save and reset the game yet), but that's interesting, I'm not sure either.

Re: New cloning glitch with Poke Transporter

Posted by: ISSOtm
Date: 2018-05-22 01:22:34
The game does store the current box in SRAM, but normally the game reverts it when you haven't saved. (I think it copies the current box to the actual boxes, but I'm not as knowledgeable about Gen II)

Re: New cloning glitch with Poke Transporter

Posted by: Krys3000
Date: 2018-05-22 10:13:59
Yeah, that's what I would have thought, but I was considering asking you on Discord since I don't know much of the way SRAM works. Could the SRAM be somehow kept in the current state in the whatever way the VC emulator has to keep the progress and only reverted when the game is restarted (and not only closed)? But then, how does it keep track of what should be reverted, does it have an extra copy? I don't get it.

Re: New cloning glitch with Poke Transporter

Posted by: ISSOtm
Date: 2018-05-25 10:14:31
Normally, when you save your game, the active box's contents are copied to the nth box instead. When you load the game, the active box is overwritten with the nth box.
Looks like Poké Transporter reads the active box anyways, which is written to directly in SRAM (thus always "saved"), but discarded by the game unless you save. I guess the PokéBank team thought the behavior was the same as RBY!

Re: New cloning glitch with Poke Transporter

Posted by: Krys3000
Date: 2018-05-25 13:03:22
Oh, I see it's clear now. Thanks!

I can't believe they didn't check that. Anyway that gives us a very easy cloning trick, so I think I may add it to wiki and PRAMA soon!