(G/S) "Bad Clone" (hex00) acquisition without ACE or Save Corruption
Posted by: entrpntr
Date: 2018-02-04 03:31:51
This was discovered by gifvex in August. He outlined 3 very simple steps to be performed on Pokémon Gold:
1) clear save
2) defeat elite four without saving
3) https://streamable.com/oc2er
The reason why this works is the Hall of Fame save does not initialize box terminators. All other saving methods initialize the terminators, hence why you cannot save prior to the Hall of Fame. Depositing into a box also initializes the terminator for that particular box, so you must use Move Pkmn w/o Mail.
The video above demonstrates moving two Pokémon into an uninitialized box. The second one creates an off-by-one error, and turns one of the Pokémon into a 00 species, which you can give to the daycare to morph into the glitch hex00.
A second video demonstrates a way to create hex00 without even needing to go through the daycare: https://streamable.com/6571t. Doing this particular method with the hatched Togepi egg allows you to get a second Squirtbottle, which of course sets the table for the regular fare of key item pocket glitches.
This glitch was patched in Crystal, perhaps because someone at Game Freak eventually did notice.