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Generation II Glitch Discussion

Pokédex glitch with Togepi Egg - Page 1

Pokédex glitch with Togepi Egg

Posted by: Goldkarp
Date: 2018-07-01 16:48:42
Recently, while playing a Pokémon Crystal rom hack and commenting it on a Discord server, we discovered a glitch that by now seems to be undocumented, since we haven't found anything about it.

We learned about it when getting an Egg added to that hack. The script for the Egg borrowed Togepi's code in all but species. Well, the Pokémon programmed in it disappeared from the Pokédex, even when it was necessary to see that Pokémon to even get the Egg, and marked it as caught.

After watching this in the hack, the obvious decision was to try in vanilla Crystal to see if the Togepi Egg also works like this. This is impossible without the use of Gameshark codes or trades, but yes, it acts exactly the same as the Egg of that hack. It seems that the script of the Togepi Egg checks the Pokémon as caught and unseen, and it fixes itself when the Egg hatches or fight (impossible through normal means) or trade another Pokémon of that species, with all of them checking as seen and caught.

It is noteworthy to say that this is exclusive to the Togepi Egg, as it doesn't seem to work in the Odd Egg or any Egg of the Daycare. Haven't tried with Gold/Silver, but I expect it to be the same as Crystal.

Edit: It seems I made a little mistake, the game changes the Togepi entry to unseen even if the player already saw it but doesn't change the caught part, and I was saying otherwise with that last bit. Apart from that, nothing more seems to be failed. Still, I find it odd that it only happens with Togepi.

Re: Pokédex glitch with Togepi Egg

Posted by: Guy
Date: 2018-07-01 17:49:45
I don't quite understand. The Pokémon contained in an Egg doesn't need to be already registered in your Pokédex in order for you to receive it.

Re: Pokédex glitch with Togepi Egg

Posted by: Goldkarp
Date: 2018-07-01 18:16:05

I don't quite understand. The Pokémon contained in an Egg doesn't need to be already registered in your Pokédex in order for you to receive it.
What I'm trying to say is that when you receive the Togepi Egg, the Pokédex already checks it as caught, so it counts as such even if it's unseen. It has nothing to do with being able or not to get it. In fact, if you have already seen Togepi (through trades or Gamesharks) the Pokédex will put it as unseen and caught (deniying the entry of a Pokémon you already had access). It's pretty odd, I think, and it seems to be tied to the script triggered when getting the Egg..

Re: Pokédex glitch with Togepi Egg

Posted by: Javisito
Date: 2018-07-01 18:52:27
Basically Togepi dex entry dissapear in your pokedex but count as catched.

A quickly video:

1. Start a new game and advance to gain your first badge
2. With gameshark, generate a wild Togepi, but not catch (is impossible encounter another Togepi without to receive Egg). Your entry is visible
3. Receive egg in Violet city. Your entry dissapear but count as catched
4. Generate another wild Togepi, your pokedex show your entry with seen and caught.

Re: Pokédex glitch with Togepi Egg

Posted by: Guy
Date: 2018-07-01 21:17:27
Ah, I see now. Thanks for clarifying.

This is certainly a curiosity in the code similar to the kind that might become the gateway to an exploit, but considering Pokédex data isn't used to perform any known glitches and the fact this cannot happen within the bounds of the game (Coin Case ACE aside), I don't see it becoming useful or consider it a full-on "glitch" on its own.

Thank you for reporting this finding, though! There's no telling what may become useful later on down the line.