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Generation III Glitch Discussion

The "Mawhile" typo in Pokémon Ruby - Page 2

Re: The "Mawhile" typo in Pokémon Ruby

Posted by: Blaziken257
Date: 2014-08-12 00:56:20
It was posts like this one, as well as articles like this one (which has quite a few spelling errors, including the Mawhile one) that encouraged me to post this thread in the glitch section. So, while it's a bit of stretch to call it a glitch, I feel that it was consistent with other posts on this site. However, it would be nice if we had a clear definition as to what a glitch is, so this kind of conflict doesn't occur in the future.

Also, someone wondered if it was possible to dump a ROM using DS homebrew. It is possible – this is how I dumped the Ruby ROM. I have a Supercard DSTWO flashcart for the DS, and I used the GBA Backup Tool to dump the ROM (and save file as well). I could then play this dumped ROM on VBA-M (it should work on basically any GBA emulator though). For obvious reasons, I'm not giving out the ROM that I dumped, and I don't encourage other people to do this, either.

Re: The "Mawhile" typo in Pokémon Ruby

Posted by: SatoMew
Date: 2015-09-24 10:31:36
Oxford Dictionaries defines a bug as "an error in a computer program or system" and a glitch as "a sudden, usually temporary malfunction or fault of equipment", which is how the two are traditionally defined in common usage outside of the video game scene.

As to Blaziken257's contribution, the typo and some other things were fixed in the English version release 1.1. Release 1.2 only fixed the Berry bug, which was also fixed by Japanese and European version release 1.1.

Re: The "Mawhile" typo in Pokémon Ruby

Posted by: kaikun97
Date: 2015-12-07 02:27:21
While everyone is debating whether this is a bug or a glitch, i'd like to say that there are many spelling mistakes and such in Gen 3, simply see Torchicken's Youtube video on it

Re: The "Mawhile" typo in Pokémon Ruby

Posted by: SatoMew
Date: 2015-12-22 11:30:29

While everyone is debating whether this is a bug or a glitch, i'd like to say that there are many spelling mistakes and such in Gen 3, simply see Torchicken's Youtube video on it

I guess you missed this thread ;)