Re: Oh God What Have I Done (R/S Decamark 0x88A6)
Posted by: Torchickens
Date: 2014-12-23 15:26:55
Edit: Emerald 0x033F is called BOOST. Maybe that's the true end of the list, or near it.
Edit 2: I found a glitch symbols name non-freezing Decamark with Attack EV:03 HP EV: 73 (hex:0349), but its name has various characters superimposed on each other and you get a freeze on the summary, second page or not. I'll keep searching. I also tried viewing its name in the Battle Dome contestants screen, I got no freeze but no corruption either.
Edit 3: No luck yet, I've got to 3 Attack 108 HP (0x036C). Not that far away from BOOST, but it may be that this superimposing thing prevents the glitch from working. I talked to a news reporter in Slateport's Pokémon Fan Club for a few of these Pokémon and she said the original names, but it may not have been long enough for corruption. If you want to test this quickly, get SEASOR the Horsea and maybe DOTS the Seedot (has to be the in-game trade Pokémon), edit its HP and Attack EVs with A-Save, put it in the first position and modify address 020244EF to 40 with memory viewer, then use the quick egg hatch code.
I tried 0xC7A3 (HP 131 Attack 199). I used a random number generator for the HP and Attack values. It gave a murky green screen when scrolling up to page 2 of its status. New glitch screen. :P
Oh, I'm not actually sure why I tried such a late index number, because its name may be taken from memory and not the ROM if it's that late.