Is there a way to control what glitch moves I get using the Pomeg glitch?
Posted by: rortik
Date: 2017-08-17 18:11:53
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When you use a glitch move, the name of the move you use is often different from the name you have in the "Fight" menu.
I still don't know why this thing happens, but this is another souce of crash as certain character sequences that the game displays can freeze the game (especially the ones with the "oe oe oe oe….")
I got some more glitch moves and had some fun stealing wild Pokemon from the Pike, too bad there's not a good way to catch trainer Pokemon.
I wonder if there's some way to steal Factory Pokemon -.-
You can do a "list" of all glitch moves (name, and effect) from a Gen III Rom then use a program to search through that list for glitch moves with certain characteristics.
For example, if you want a move with high power, more than 100 accuracy, and some priority, using a tool like that will make things easier for you.
If you're interested into this, I can give you the scripts that ThezzAzzGlitch kindly made for me (even though they aren't very deep) and indicate you where the lists start from.
(Sorta bumping an 'old' topic but I don't see the need to post a new thread)
Is there a list like this for glitch moves in Gen IV? It would be really useful considering how smoothly glitch moves can be transferred from Gen III.