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Pokémon Glitch Discussion

Why do people like glitches? - Page 1

Why do people like glitches?

Posted by: MOD-SAN
Date: 2006-08-20 17:36:14
That's the topic. Feel free to give long and well-thought-out answers, as I may add some of this info into the PKMN guidebook I'm writing.

Re: Why do people like glitches?

Posted by: xparasite9
Date: 2006-08-20 17:50:41
glitches make games fun.

Re: Why do people like glitches?

Posted by: pokemon_yellow
Date: 2006-08-20 18:42:49
Hmm…I like them because You never (ususally) dont know what they will do or what will happen.Thats what the internet and gameshark is for. ::)

Re: Why do people like glitches?

Posted by: Blue Lickitung
Date: 2006-08-20 20:52:47
I like them pecause I find it hilarious when I send out pixelated squares and use sky attack followed by a devastating cooltrainer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11

Re: Why do people like glitches?

Posted by: Abwayax
Date: 2006-08-20 20:56:29
Mostly the feel of studying the game, digging up new info, testing stuff out and finding out about stuff few others know. That plus glitches are just so fun to play with :D

Re: Why do people like glitches?

Posted by: Glitch Reasearcher
Date: 2006-08-21 05:35:12
you know, I've never really thought about it that much. but I guess why people like glitches is because of the sense of mystery that the subject of glitches bring. it's like you've completly beaten the game and it had become boring, but then you discover the vast realm of glitches, and it suddenly becomes interesting again. why is this so? it's that sense of mystery that bring a feeling of excitement to that person. and it's that  sense of knowladge of a little-known mystery that gives the person a feeling of joy. and I think that being able to do or have that is not supposed to happen or be there gives people a feeling of enjoyment of the fact that this glitch is doing something that does not normally occur. though there are people who fear that something outside the normal programming is a very bad thing. normally yes, there are some side-effects that aren't excatly a good thing, but not enough to erase your entire game. these people that fear glitches, seem to think that the opposite is true. and yet others look to other games for glitches, seeing if they exist in other games. and yet the realm of glitches is far greater that any one can comprend. the glitches aren't restricted to just a few games, there could be hundreds of games with glitches awaiting the day that they would be found. and so I say: "Glitches take many forms, shapes, and sizes. so keep and open eye in whatever game you play, 'cause the future of glitches is bright, and no game is glitch-proof."
[ and these are my thoughts on glitches, though if you ask me it seems more like an observation, but that's beside the point. and I can remember the first glitch I ever discovered (though somebody else showed me how to do it ) was the Glitch City and Missingno. when I first discovered this, I thought is was the coolest thing I'd ever seen. a few years later I had an AR and quite offenly relied on it. and one of those cheat codes corrupted the daycare center in Emerald and I had two bad eggs that had an egg(I was VERY shocked about this) and procedded to hatch it. it hatched into a lv.25 egg and knew thunderpunch and when I gave it a rare candy, it instantly shot up to lv.100(and shockingly enough it could battle, but not in a battle frontier building. you know it's wierd to see an egg battle). so I decided to search the web to see if this had happened to anyone else. and when I discovered this website, and the vast abount of glitches that reside in the game, I decided I was going to study glitches and there various effects. I wonder what I'd be doing now if that person had never shown me that glitch] (whew, that was a lot of typing)

Re: Why do people like glitches?

Posted by: rjaguar3
Date: 2006-08-21 12:10:59
I'm afraid I'll have to channel much of what Glitch Researcher said.  Whereas the behavior of non-glitch Pok?mon has been known for years, there is still much to be discovered about glitches and how to obtain them without a cheating device (that is, through the game itself).  There are still many things to explore however, for example:

1.  Is it possible to obtain all the superbicentennial (hex number >= 200) glitches?
2.  Is it possible to obtain the glitch items without a cheating device?
3.  Are all the glitch attacks obtainable without a cheating device?  (Currently, most are obtainable on at least one glitch Pok?mon, and can be Q-tricked over to any other, but there are still some attacks that cannot be obtained without a cheating device.)
4.  Why do Dex-205 glitches freeze the game in battle?

My spirit with glitch research is parallel to the discovery of the Ditto Trick.  With enough research and time (5-10 years), it could be possible that the answers to the questions are obvious and well-known, just as it is well known how to get a Mew without a cheating device.  To have complete knowledge of the entire game is our goal.

Re: Why do people like glitches?

Posted by: Newo
Date: 2006-09-03 11:40:53
I like Random so glitches give a lot of that so I do more and more Random things to see the Random effects!

I Randomly put in gameshark codes that I make up to see the effects!

Most fail but I found one that randomly replaces one of the squares on the screen with a random block

It is fun and sometimes gives you an Unfair advantage!!! :D

Re: Why do people like glitches?

Posted by: Abwayax
Date: 2007-04-20 00:30:26
superbicentennial (hex number >= 200) glitches

Superbicentennial. I love that word. Maybe instead of saying "shark-only" or "non-Dittoable", we can just call then "superbicentennials".

[me=Abwayax]revived a half-a-year thread to say that. :P[/me]

Re: Why do people like glitches?

Posted by: ACE91
Date: 2007-04-22 10:29:36
Erm… except "centennial" refers to years, not just numbers. Logically, it doesn't make sense.

And you revived a half-year-old thread? You evil. :P

Re: Why do people like glitches?

Posted by: Abwayax
Date: 2007-04-23 21:56:57

Erm… except "centennial" refers to years, not just numbers. Logically, it doesn't make sense.

Who cares? We're scientists, therefore we love big words.

Re: Why do people like glitches?

Posted by: Newo
Date: 2007-04-24 12:35:08

Erm… except "centennial" refers to years, not just numbers. Logically, it doesn't make sense.

Who cares? We're scientists, therefore we love big words.

We are teens. We should hate long words. In real life the longest sentence I can make is "FUCK OFF!"

Re: Why do people like glitches?

Posted by: Bluelatios
Date: 2007-05-01 14:34:40
i like glitches because  1: im a poke-freak ;D.
                                2: glitches are weird like me :P
                                3: it gives you new places (glitch city) to explore and new Pokemon to obtain (missingno, .4, pkmnpkmn ect), thus giving you an excuse to play the old games again.
                                4: its fun to find new things in games that were in the game by mistake and not even the creators knew about until people found them.
                                5: THEY ARE FREAKN AWESOME!!!!!!!!!! did i mention they are weird….oh wait i did, WELL I CAN MENTION IT AGAIN :P :P :P (see reason #6)
                                6: they are weird, okay im done blabbering now, have a nice day!

Re: Why do people like glitches?

Posted by: blitzer
Date: 2007-05-13 01:49:35

you know, I've never really thought about it that much. but I guess why people like glitches is because of the sense of mystery that the subject of glitches bring. it's like you've completly beaten the game and it had become boring, but then you discover the vast realm of glitches, and it suddenly becomes interesting again. why is this so? it's that sense of mystery that bring a feeling of excitement to that person. and it's that  sense of knowladge of a little-known mystery that gives the person a feeling of joy. and I think that being able to do or have that is not supposed to happen or be there gives people a feeling of enjoyment of the fact that this glitch is doing something that does not normally occur. though there are people who fear that something outside the normal programming is a very bad thing. normally yes, there are some side-effects that aren't excatly a good thing, but not enough to erase your entire game. these people that fear glitches, seem to think that the opposite is true. and yet others look to other games for glitches, seeing if they exist in other games. and yet the realm of glitches is far greater that any one can comprend. the glitches aren't restricted to just a few games, there could be hundreds of games with glitches awaiting the day that they would be found. and so I say: "Glitches take many forms, shapes, and sizes. so keep and open eye in whatever game you play, 'cause the future of glitches is bright, and no game is glitch-proof."
[ and these are my thoughts on glitches, though if you ask me it seems more like an observation, but that's beside the point. and I can remember the first glitch I ever discovered (though somebody else showed me how to do it ) was the Glitch City and Missingno. when I first discovered this, I thought is was the coolest thing I'd ever seen. a few years later I had an AR and quite offenly relied on it. and one of those cheat codes corrupted the daycare center in Emerald and I had two bad eggs that had an egg(I was VERY shocked about this) and procedded to hatch it. it hatched into a lv.25 egg and knew thunderpunch and when I gave it a rare candy, it instantly shot up to lv.100(and shockingly enough it could battle, but not in a battle frontier building. you know it's wierd to see an egg battle). so I decided to search the web to see if this had happened to anyone else. and when I discovered this website, and the vast abount of glitches that reside in the game, I decided I was going to study glitches and there various effects. I wonder what I'd be doing now if that person had never shown me that glitch] (whew, that was a lot of typing)

so true,so true.
not even D/P is glitchproof;D

Re: Why do people like glitches?

Posted by: rjaguar3
Date: 2007-05-15 00:52:11

I'm afraid I'll have to channel much of what Glitch Researcher said.  Whereas the behavior of non-glitch Pok?mon has been known for years, there is still much to be discovered about glitches and how to obtain them without a cheating device (that is, through the game itself).  There are still many things to explore however, for example:

1.   Is it possible to obtain all the superbicentennial (hex number >= 200) glitches?
2.   Is it possible to obtain the glitch items without a cheating device?
3.   Are all the glitch attacks obtainable without a cheating device?  (Currently, most are obtainable on at least one glitch Pok?mon, and can be Q-tricked over to any other, but there are still some attacks that cannot be obtained without a cheating device.)
4.   Why do Dex-205 glitches freeze the game in battle?

My spirit with glitch research is parallel to the discovery of the Ditto Trick.  With enough research and time (5-10 years), it could be possible that the answers to the questions are obvious and well-known, just as it is well known how to get a Mew without a cheating device.  To have complete knowledge of the entire game is our goal.

Already, I think we're starting to get these questions answered.

1.  Yes, if the Celebi/Johto guard glitch works.
2.  For some items in Yellow, yes.  In general, it depends on the answer to number 1 and whether these superbicentenial glitches can cause item mutation.
3.  Yes, if Celebi/Johto works, this should work.  These moves would be amazing to obtain.
4.  I don't have the source in front of me, so I still don't know.

And that was just in 8 months!  This is why I love glitch research.