Vanilla GlitchDex?
Posted by: everyusernameistaken
Date: 2014-05-25 22:26:47
Today I found my DS Lite, which was pretty exciting for me, considering I haven't been able to play any Pokemon games for a long time, thanks to my broken GameBoy.
Anyways, I broke out my old copy of Sapphire, and managed to find my copy of Crystal as well.
Since I beat each game, I reset them to have another go. A few minutes into each, I realized there wasn't much else to do. So I decided to start up the GlitchDex I never got to.
Obtaining glitch Pokemon isn't hard, especially with a GameShark (which, to mention, I do not have). However, as I said before, I reset all of my games, which was a terrible idea. So now I can't perform the Mew glitch without going through the entire story again.
So, the point of this is, what glitch Pokemon are out there (in Sapphire, Crystal, or Blue only, since they're all I have) that:
a. Do not require a GameShark or other cheating device
b. Do not utilize the Mew Glitch (until I get to that point, at least)
c. Hopefully don't require trading (only because I have no one to do it with, until I find my old GB)
d. Won't critically crash the game (I can also perform on an emulator for all three games if needed; just don't want to love everything)
So, uhm, I don't think any glitch Pokemon exist under these guidelines, but, I'm giving it a shot. Lemme know what you guys come up with.