I need help...
Posted by: Missingnoguy55
Date: 2007-10-28 12:34:37
I think my Pearl is doomed if I can't get this Bad Egg out of my party. It ruins all the fun, and why? If you win a battle, the game freezes, looking at its summary freezes the game. Why I can't get this egg out of my party is for one reason, it's holding a Ball Capsule, and I can't remove it! The code I used was for a Charizard over level 100. It worked, but then it turned into a Machamp. I made another Charizard. After a while, the Machamp icon's palette turned glitchy. The Hp and level was gone. After you'd use the PC, the Machamp would turn into a Bad Egg. There was one time where it returned to normal, but when I sent it out, the game froze. This also affected my Charizard over level 100(Level 118 and 246). I then released the Charizard. I was thinking about making another Charizard, then releasing it. The Charizard would replace the Bad Egg, then I could release it, and then, no more Bad Egg! But I have to tell my friend that I have to use it.
Do you guys know anything else to help me?