Platinum weather glitch?
Posted by: Torchickens
Date: 2009-01-25 13:46:06
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Supposedly if a pokemon uses Pursuit on a pokemon that is switching out, and there is a weather effect in play, all of the weather conditions occur at the end of the turn. It would look like this:
-*Raining Animation*
- Pokemon 1 was hurt by its *insert ability*
- Pokemon 2 was hurt by its *insert ability*
-*Sandstorm Animation*
- Pokemon 1 was hurt by its *insert ability*
- Pokemon 2 was hurt by its *insert ability*
-*Hail Animation*
- Pokemon 1 was hurt by its *insert ability*
- Pokemon 2 was hurt by its *insert ability*
-*Sunny Animation
- Pokemon 1 was hurt by its *insert ability*
- Pokemon 2 was hurt by its *insert ability*
Each time a pokemon gets hurt, it loses the amount of health it would usually lose for getting hit by a sandstorm or hail (about 6% of overall health).
This has an interesting effect on some pokemon's abilities. For example:
-Clefable is not hurt at all due to Magic Guard ability
-Pokemon with Ice Body are healed four times instead of being hurt four times
-Castform will endlessly change forms (you have to reset)
-Cherrim (i think) will endlessly change forms (you have to reset)