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Generation IV Glitch Discussion

Something weird in the GTS - Page 1

Something weird in the GTS

Posted by: Missingno.7-4468
Date: 2009-06-29 17:12:15
I'm not sure if I should put this here or not…

Here's something weird I found while searching the GTS. It shows a Palkia as the species name, but the sprite is a Kyogre. :???:

Here is a picture, sorry for the bad quality:

The OT was from Japan.

Has anyone else had something like this happen to them?

If you have wifi and a Kyogre, go ahead and look for it.  Be sure to search for a Palkia though…

Re: Something weird in the GTS

Posted by: Guy
Date: 2009-06-29 17:18:32
Things like this actually happen often.

Re: Something weird in the GTS

Posted by: fivex
Date: 2009-06-29 20:42:00
That means the pokemon is traded

Re: Something weird in the GTS

Posted by: Missing? NO!
Date: 2009-06-30 23:32:53
It's the nickname.
If a Pokemon is nicknamed "Kyogre" and the actual Pokemon is "Palkia" then the sprite will be a Kyogre.

Re: Something weird in the GTS

Posted by: Missingno.7-4468
Date: 2009-06-30 23:35:48
What makes you say that?  Also, I can't read the nickname, because it's in Japanese.

Re: Something weird in the GTS

Posted by: Missing? NO!
Date: 2009-06-30 23:37:39

What makes you say that?  Also, I can't read the nickname, because it's in Japanese.

I saw a Registeel nicknamed Gallade.
The sprite was Gallade.

Re: Something weird in the GTS

Posted by: glitchuntress
Date: 2009-07-01 01:36:59
This kind of stuff happens all the time.

One time I put a Bidoof on the GTS called Diagla, when I checked it's summary it looked like a Nidorino, and it was female.

Re: Something weird in the GTS

Posted by: Wa
Date: 2009-07-01 15:22:53
I've seen tons of these. Sadly, you can't trade for them; the GTS always says they've already been traded, but when you look back they're still there.