A couple of pics from Heart Gold/Soul Silver
Posted by: MissingNO. #1 Master
Date: 2009-09-14 02:45:04
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AHEM. Fake. Look at the bad quality of the eggs, and what Zowayix pointed out.
Doesn't mean they did not put a back sprite.
Yeah its fake because as I recall, all sprites for "glitch" Pokémon are just blank for DP and Platinum. So there is no reason for the programmers to put in a back sprite for the egg. Simple logic :).
Released into Japan, yes. It takes a while for the game to be translated into English before being released into Europe.
Released into Japan, yes. It takes a while for the game to be translated into English before being released into Europe.
European release date: 2010
Doesn't mean they did not put a back sprite.
Yeah its fake because as I recall, all sprites for "glitch" Pokémon are just blank for DP and Platinum. So there is no reason for the programmers to put in a back sprite for the egg. Simple logic :).